Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Per Nancy Pelosi 83% of the tax cut goes to the wealthiest 1%! If true why the he** not give 'em 100%? They DESERVE it. They NEED it. Right?
As long as they are doing it legally...I don't care. And if they are already paying 0% then there is no cut they are getting. They will not qualify for refundable tax credits such as earned income tax credit.
Rosie, Congratulations on getting out of the "mainstream". It's gonna be nice not hearing all the crap people give you! Sorry about not answering your question, but I wanted to take the opportunity to say that I'm glad you got a separate space void of all the negativity. I hope you had a wonderful day!
I was just saying this is a great idea! Rosie can come up with all the questions she wants and people can pick and choose what to bring to the feed. I hope it stops the personal attacks on her. Everyone adds value here.
She's a trooper for hanging in there and I am personally glad she did. Obviously, being here matters to her and some of her questions are darn good ones. I sure don't do much to put questions out there myself.
I try and appreciate everyone on some level, whether I agree with them or not.
Here's the why my friend. I was a pain in the a** to the poor folks who had to try to reclassify my questions. I got a very nice and very long explanation from Just Asking telling me what a Headache I was...very nicely of course. My questions could often be placed in a ton of categories. I mean I write about DonJohn and beautiful chocolate cake and golf and tweeting and two scoops of ice cream. One question. Where would YOU put it? In food or politics or sports or human behavior or life and society? So it was Just Asking's idea to give me a place where I could ask all the questions on any topic I wanted and it would just be one classification. RosieG. A potpourri. A smorgasbord! I think it's a splendid solution and I'm happy as a clam at high tide. This way folks who want to see what I'm up to can find me. I am no longer hounded by insulting "usual suspects". At least not so far. If they find me I just will ignore them and delete them as I have been doing. Thank you for the congrats but they really aren't deserved. I'm not special or grand. I just asked too many questions to handle easily. Happy Wednesday to thee PC! :) ((hugs))
Well I certainly hope nobody comes to your "corner" now and starts anything. It's been allowed FAR too long. I find it very surprising people have been allowed to harrass/stalk/badger you month after month with no intervention, just for asking questions on a Q/A site. Go figure!
If it does happen, I sure hope someone will step up and for once put a stop to it - perhaps even banning them from "breathing in your direction".
Thanks honey I appreciate it. The beautiful irony of all of that crap is that I never knew! I never had a clue. I have been so busy asking questions and trying to keep up with responding to the "good" folks (I will never catch up)who give me something to respond to that I have NEVER ONCE investigated what else goes on around Answermug. Not Once PC. So color me surprised when I was informed that I am/was a cause celebre among a few cretins! A "situation" that like-minded folks obsessed about and kvetched about and moaned and groaned and bit**ed about!. The joke is on them. I knew nothing about any of it or them. Anyway here I am. Where are they? About whom will they kvetch and moan and groan and bit** about now? Will they find another or will they track me here? Whatcha think?
You know what? I won't know about it. I will just delete/ignore them and never read a word as I always did before. It's so very easy for me to do. You know PC on Answerbag which of course existed for me first I learned to completely ignore the troublemakers. I didn't simply not respond. I just never read any of it . Now there were some really spiffy folks who couldn't do that. As a result they left the site. The mean folks got to them and kept hounding them and for whatever reason the targets felt compelled to read all that crap and answer back. I never understood why that was. I still don't. Anyway I'm just cruising along doing swell. It's like having joined a community garden and being given your very own little plot to grow whatever you want. Who wouldn't love that? Thank you for your reply PC! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at December 20, 2017 1:52 PM MST
As always, we ask that users use the report button or send a link to a moderator if they see anything in violation of the TOS here. If we don't see it, we cannot correct it....
I have been off of here for a while, but have seen the occasional post that was directed at Rosie. I won't be shy reporting any blatant slap, especially now that a she has a corner people can pick and choose to visit.
I agree. She IS a trooper! The way some people have treated her for a very long time, would have chased most people off. Good thing she's a strong woman that isn't easily scared away. My only question is, why was it allowed to continue? I'll never understand that.
I'm certain she appreciates your support.
This post was edited by ProblemCh1ld at December 20, 2017 6:23 AM MST
Guess who didn't have a clue PeaPod? Me! I had no idea I was the subject of hatred among some folks. I was informed about all the nastiness but I just thought it was hilarious! I'm 80 and I ask questions. This is someone to hate? I mean what threat could I possibly be to anyone? So I'm here and very happy. I figure folks who want to see what's going on with me can find me That's hunky dorry with me! :) Brilliant problem-solver. Just Asking came up with a PERFECT solution to a problem I didn't even existed! :)
It goes to show that you don't do anything to purposely upset people. I personally think a lot of the flack was because you are so active and vocal and some don't want to hear it. Now they have no excuse to complain. If they do, a few of us won't stand for it. You have a right to be here like anyone else. I hope this new arrangement works out. This site would be dead without you.
Thank you for the very kind words PC but I honestly didn't have a clue about all the nastiness going on. I automatically delete and never read the folks who showed up just to insult. Once I got their number I never dialed it! I deleted them and never read anything they posted. If I came upon one on a thread while I was answering someone else I just averted by eyes and moved on. I think it's funny as hell that an 80-year-old woman could cause such consternation by simply asking questions but I did apparently. Seriously they need to get a life. If that were all I had going for me I'd be very embarrassed and try to hide it not flaunt. Anyway we shall see if they track me down.