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Do you tend to adore cute guys?

Posted - December 19, 2017


  • Probably not.
    If cute means "attractive" then it's an acutely subjective issue; it certainly doesn't mean good looks, youth or the ability to crack good jokes.
    I'm attracted to a good mind, someone who is articulate, expressive, open, honest, responsible, empathic, intelligent and a free thinker.
    But I don't fall into adoring easily. I'm wary of adoration because I think it tends to put someone on a pedestal whence they necessarily fall.
    I prefer getting to know the whole person. With me, that includes friendships, not just my beloved.

    That said, today I told a young IT professional that if I had been 18 I would have fallen in love with him on the spot. He had just spent an hour with me, for $50, teaching me how to do things that most digital natives take for granted. He was patient and clear and he helped me learn things that had been frustrating me for a month. I felt such gratitude that I was close to tears. 
      December 19, 2017 10:40 PM MST

  • 10026
    adore? No.  Cute is for puppies and kittens
      December 20, 2017 12:56 AM MST

  • 22891
    not really since those cute guys never ask me out
      December 24, 2017 4:42 PM MST

  • 23382
    I guess not - - I just Google-Imaged "cute guy" - -  not a single guy did I adore -- they all were too plastic-y perfect.
      January 3, 2018 9:06 PM MST