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Anyone care to help answerMug revamp its site


I just talked to Just Asking.  I asked him if the realtime chat would be ever fixed or revamped.  He revealed that it is a money issue and is contemplating a fundraiser.  If you like to help, please chat with him and hopefully we can improve the site together.


Posted - December 19, 2017


  • 1812
    Are we having a bake sale?
      December 19, 2017 8:59 PM MST

  • 686
    I don't know what he had in mind, but I figured I try to help.  Just talk with JustAsking and hopefully we can help the site.

      December 19, 2017 9:01 PM MST

  • 2465
    FYI, JA is a woman, NOT a man. 

    Should we wear plastic trash bags to the gala?  Lol
      December 19, 2017 9:29 PM MST

  • 7939
    Her. lol Just Asking is a her.

    I didn't realize you were going to post something. ...

    Ah, so to clarify, Our trash bag loving friend here asked about updating the chat. And, that, along with several other issues, are things there isn't a budget for. Any further upgrades either have to come from increased ad clicks, donations, or some other revenue generator. 

    One of the things I mentioned to our friend was that I might post specific projects with the dollar amount needed to complete them in order to raise awareness and let people donate for specific projects if they were important to them. Setting that up would take time I don't have at the moment (I should know better than to talk on the fly.).

    We do already have a page for accepting donations. It's here: 

    But, the issue with that, I think is that nobody here really knows about it and you can't really earmark your funds for a specific project. So, that would have been one possibility to try to get some changes made. And, if anyone wants to donate towards site repairs/ upgrades, you can still do that, but at this point, I don't have the infrastructure or a system in place to track what money was donated for which project. That's what I would want to set up. I'd need to get quotes from the developer, post a couple of projects, and then set something up so you guys could see what has been raised for a specific project. Donations that come in just go to a general pool for answerMug and get used on the most pressing issue at that moment. And, we do get donations from wonderful Muggers from time to time. That's what has enabled us to fix stuff happening in the Q&A.

    Cost-wise, replacing the chat with a different pre-built service that should run better is about $350-400. I'd have to get quotes from the developer any other projects. If people are super interested in making the chat a priority and want to donate to it, you can do that, but kindly shoot me an email and let me know what to set your funds aside for. I'm hesitant to open the floor to other projects at this point because I can't track that many projects at once, and I want to make sure I'm honoring intentions.

    Anyway, this is all rather on-the-spot, and I'm just throwing info out to help clarify now that stuff is being said. 

    Also, the more formal project-based donation idea was just one of a few that were floating around in my head. I'm always touched when people donate- it's very meaningful, but I don't expect it. There are other ways we can generate more revenue for development, and I'm working on some of those too... this just happens to be the one thing that came out in a random conversation. Feel free to insert whatever disclaimers you need to at the end of this. The sky is not falling. We are not switching to decaf in the break room. The take-a-tilde, leave-a-tilde program will remain available for all. 
      December 19, 2017 9:46 PM MST

  • 686
    I'm sorry for not asking before posting.  I usually do.  I just thought t would help if the AM would like to help or not.  Likewise. thanks for clearifying things for us.  I am sorry again.  I respect everyone and I admit it when I make a mistake.  I hope everyon will help out and maybe we can have a better site.
      December 20, 2017 6:36 PM MST

  • I think you should streamline this baby.
    No chat, no groups, no categories, no old questions just pile everything into the main page and let'er roll.
    After a few days all the questions just drop off the face of the earth as new ones pour in. LoL!
    This idea will save money and we all get a bonus check.
    Keep the blogs though in case I want to complain about life. Thanks. : )

      December 20, 2017 9:52 AM MST

  • 2465
    The chat doesn't need to be eliminated. Nobody chats in there any more. 
      December 20, 2017 6:32 PM MST

  • 22891
    cant, im out of work
      December 24, 2017 4:41 PM MST