I'm sick of these members who cannot get attention any other way, clogging up the page with their ceaseless blogs, usually about the same rant.
ENOUGH already.
One blog is plenty for some priceless commentary.
Cherry, I know I went overboard with this idea, but I agree.
I'd like blog posts by the same author to be grouped together, so that only one link per author shows on the blog list, with their most recent blog post advertised. This way there won't be a lack of new content, but at the same time, no one can flood the page with repetitive posts. What do you think?
You made a valid point.
I'm not about to stifle anyone. Contrary to what some people think, I really dislike censorship.
I have mentioned this in another thread, but the revamped site does not allow people to close, shut down, or moderate blog comments. They have a choice of who can see it- everyone or friends, and those who can see it are allowed to comment.
The activity feeds are better on the revamped site as well. You can remove individual people from your feed and you can look at just a list of the blogs. The activity feeds can extend seemingly forever, so you'll be able to get a list of fresh blogs and tailor it to the people you like to read.
The last thing I want to do is tell people they can't discuss things on a discussion site. I think the new features will be a boon for customizing your experience though,
Well, here is some SPAM for your PARROT. Lol:)
Andy, I thought if I did a bird avatar it would help me to communicate with the real bird brains on here. I guess in your case , I need a bird avatar with a pacifier in the beak since they have no thumbs to suck.
Still laughing? Good. I'm glad.
I thought if you wanted a good laugh, what better than a couple of classic Monty Python sketches? (Combined with a slight touch of my own personal sarcasm, of course). Lol:)