a ab abort about abrupt abut act actor adapt ado adopt adorn an and app apt apron arbor arc art Art bacon Bacon bad ban ban band Bard baron Baron Bart Barton bat baton Baton boar board boca Boca bond boon boor boot bot bound Brad bran brand bro bun burn burp burr Burt Burton but cab Cabot cad can can't cap Capt. capon car carb carbon card carp cart carton coon coop coot cord corn coup court crab crap crop cub cud cup cur currant cut dab dad Dan dap do doctor don Don don't door dour drop Dr. dub duct dud nab nad nap narc Nat o oar occur Oct. octo odor on orb our pad pan pant par pardon part Parton Pat poon poor poot porn port pot pour pro prod product rad radon ran rant rap rapt rat Raton road roan roar robot rot run runt tab Tab tab Tam tan tap tar tarp Tod Tom ton top torn tour turban turn u U up upon urban urn
I've spent an entire hour on this, I think I got them all, but it's always possible that I've missed some. I can't do any more right now, but if I think of any, I'll post them as a reply. I'm not even going to count this mess, tally it up. For right now, I'm tired, I have to go to the bathroom, my back hurts something fierce, I'm only halfway paying attention to the football games, and I can smell some great food my wife is cooking downstairs, BUT, with all of this effort, I know I've won, so I want my prize sent to me via FedEx or UPS.