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A bit late for this question, but why do we celebrate the new year? It's just one more year before we drop dead.


Posted - January 7, 2018


  • 13071
    Maybe we celebrate the fact we stayed alive to see the next year. LOL
      January 7, 2018 2:38 PM MST

  • 7939
    Ah, perhaps to you, it may be. I still have a lot to look forward to and have plans of all types for the upcoming year. I'm not big on celebrating the new year, as some are. I make no resolutions or anything of that nature. However, I do see the year switch as somewhat of a clean slate. The garbage that happened last year is done. I'm moving forward, taking what I learned, and making 2018 a better year than 2017 was. 
      January 7, 2018 2:38 PM MST

  • 3191
    It is a symbolic mulligan, a mental reset of sorts, when we can think 'this year _____.'  Each filling in the blank with their hopes and/or resolutions. 
      January 7, 2018 2:47 PM MST

  • 10766
    I don't celebrate it.  I celebrate the simple fact that I woke up alive this morning and stayed that way until bedtime.  Not an easy achievement given the amount of idiots out there on the roads and in the government. 
      January 7, 2018 3:51 PM MST

  • 22891
      January 7, 2018 3:56 PM MST

  • 46117
    Then why celebrate anything?

      January 7, 2018 5:15 PM MST

  • 44736
    That's a pretty good question.
      January 8, 2018 7:38 AM MST

  • 5354
    No, No, it is one less year before we drop dead.
      January 7, 2018 6:34 PM MST

  • 44736
    You caught me on that one. Randy will be proud of you.
      January 8, 2018 7:39 AM MST

  • 5391
    We reflect on the events of our latest trip around the sun and celebrate the chance to begin yet another, anew. 

    Which is to say, it merits more than just a reason to get hammered. 

    This post was edited by Don Barzini at January 8, 2018 7:39 AM MST
      January 7, 2018 7:54 PM MST

  • 6098
    We don't celebrate it other than to just formally thank each other for the passed year. 
      January 8, 2018 7:56 AM MST

  • 1326
    According to the world book encyclopedia, "the Romans dedicated this day (January 1)To Janus, the god of gates, doors, and beginnings, the month of January was named after Janus, who had two faces-one looking forward and the other looking backwards."-1984, vol. 14, p.237 
    Both the date and the customs associated with new year's celebrations vary from one country to another. In many places revelry and drinking are part of the festivities. True Christians strive to keep in mind the words found at Romans 13:13: "as in the daytime let us walk decently, not in revelries,  and drunken bouts,  not in  illicit intercourse and loose conduct, not in strife and jealousy."
      January 30, 2018 2:54 PM MST