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A few weeks ago, I postulated a Trump VICTORY.. Now, I think he'll be TROUNCED.. You??


Fact is, I have NO idea..  I just have faith that American people won't put this guy into office.


Posted - August 2, 2016


  • 3934

    In what is certainly the strangest election year of my lifetime, things have shifted fairly dramatically between mid-July (around the time of the RNC convention) and early August (just after the DNC convention).

    Coming out of the RNC, the data-crunchers at had The Donald and HRC in a virtual dead heat, with Trump even having a slightly better chance of winning in the "If the election were held TODAY" numbers. This is somewhat expected (candidates historically receive a post-convention "bounce" in popularity) and generally normalizes over time.

    Instead, between the post-DNC "bounce" for Mrs. Clinton and, apparently, many GOP-leaning voters waking up the next morning, the predictions have dramatically moved in favor of HRC.

    If this were a "normal" election year, the sharp swing towards HRC would tend indicate a fairly easy Democratic victory. But this is not a normal election year, so I expect the poll-based election predictions will have a few more twists in turns in them before November.

      August 2, 2016 11:22 AM MDT

  • I do not believe he will win.

    November is not far away, but still close... More will come out and if someone can manage to wrench his Tax returns, I think it will be devestating to him.

    I also consider the final day...when voting, how many people will look at that ballot and change their minds at the last second shaking their heads realizing they just can't vote for him.

    There is another thing...Republicans are under the gun. Mny claim they are supporting Trump and the GOP, yet they don;t like Trump.  In the polling place, their vote is private and I believe they will say one thing, but do another and opt not to vote for Trump's lunacy

      August 2, 2016 11:23 AM MDT

  • 46117

    I told you he is not going to get in.  Two weeks ago, Two months ago and TWO YEARS AGO.


      August 2, 2016 10:49 AM MDT

  • I remember a scene in the movie cabaret where similar things were said about Hitler not being able to win. ... and we all know how that turned out .... Was it PT Barnum who said never underestimate the stupidity of the average person. ...
      August 2, 2016 11:00 AM MDT