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If Vatican Catholicism is mystery Babylon what are the daughter religions spun from her that have been accepted back?

Posted - January 11, 2018


  • 2657
    It's just odd that someone would give the taunt: 
    I simply quoted several verses from the Bible about Elijah. These were what the people said, what Jesus said, the Pharisees and John the Baptist too. There was obvious confusion and some apparent contradictions. You then quoted an apologetic who tried to smooth it all up by suggesting that the second coming of Elijah was not of Elijah himself but of someone else as Elijah and that this someone else was John the Baptist [would that,.I now wonder be similar to the archangel Michael coming down not as himself, the archangel Michael, but as Jesus?] This prompted me to say that this apologist must have been inspired with the explanation by the holy spirit who for some odd reason did not inspire that explanation to Jesus, John the Baptist, the Pharisees, the people or the Gospel writers.
       February 10, 2018 7:28 AM

    And then when questioned about your understanding to claim:

    my position on the five points is that I have not given them thought because they are not important to me. 
       February 11, 2018 3:54 AM

    I am wrong but you haven't given them any thought?
      February 19, 2018 6:28 AM MST

  • 1393
    It seems you love to play out court room scenes as the prosecutor, and it works with me because I feel obliged to respond, thinking it is rude not to respond to someone who's taken the trouble to address you in a post. The result - our encounters are the longest around, with you for ever questioning and cross questioning and I for ever responding. I feel my role as "the accused in the dock" has [or to use your terminology your taunts have] gone on a bit too long on this one, so I'm stepping down.

    This post was edited by CLURT at February 19, 2018 4:45 PM MST
      February 19, 2018 4:43 PM MST

  • 2657
    Until your next jab at Paul or the Bible, see ya then.
    Oh, it might really benefit your cause more if you try to show the wisdom of the Quran or the benefit of being Muslim than trying to tear down the Bible and Christian beliefs including the use of the term 'Christian' itself. Perhaps show one sect of Islam that is peaceful with their brothers in the same sect throughout the earth. Then you could even point to the words of Jesus. John 13:35; Mt 7:15-20
      February 19, 2018 5:34 PM MST

  • 1393
    So now it's not taunts it's jabs. 

    Sure, if the subject under discussion is the Qur'an I'll be happy to tell you what I know about it, just like I'm happy to discuss what I know about the Bible whenever that's the subject under discussion.
      February 20, 2018 9:03 AM MST

  • 2657

      February 20, 2018 9:11 AM MST

  • 7280
    "Jesus said we can know the truth. We have to pray for Holy Spirit to help our understanding,..."---So are you actually a closet Trinitarian.---

    And to be clear the only reason I saw what I quoted was because it was included on the "home" page.
      February 10, 2018 12:48 PM MST

  • 2657
    If I said "Jesus said we can know the truth. We have to pray for God's finger to help our understanding,..." would you be asking the same question? 
      February 10, 2018 7:10 PM MST

  • 7280
    No---but I assume God lets you slip and actually say the truth regardless of what you actually think you are talking about.

    Just another example of the "Economy of Salvation" that God established to prevent His message from being corrupted to the point that a reasonable man can actually think that the third person of the trinity is no more than an appendage rather than an actual person.
      February 10, 2018 7:22 PM MST

  • 2657
    If the trinity was biblical and true, perhaps. But since it was made my your Church in the 4th century and is false, I am okay to use the Bible to show honest sincere people that God's spirit, God's finger, God's wind, active force is the force by which God does things.

    Who slipped up here, Matthew or Luke?
    (Matthew 12:28) But if it is by means of God’s spirit that I expel the demons, the Kingdom of God has really overtaken you.
    (Luke 11:20) But if it is by means of God’s finger that I expel the demons, the Kingdom of God has really overtaken you.
      February 11, 2018 2:34 AM MST

  • 1393
    Q "If Vatican Catholicism is mystery Babylon what are the daughter religions spun from her that have been accepted back?"

    O-uknow what, I think Roman Catholicism is the mother of all western Christianity. All western Protestant churches are its estranged offspring. I could be wrong but I think the Vatican would welcome back any church that wants to come back into its folds. The Anglican high church has in the past toyed with the idea of forging closer relationship with the mother church.

    This post was edited by CLURT at January 23, 2018 8:21 AM MST
      January 23, 2018 8:19 AM MST

  • 6023

    As far as I know ... Revelations was written by an early Jewish convert to Christianity, shortly after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem.  And the book is an anti-Roman propaganda piece.

    The number 666 is Nero's imperial name, spelled out in Jewish numerology.

    In fact, the decision to even include Revelations in the Bible is largely due to Bishop Athanasius, a pugnacious church leader who championed Revelation about 360 years after the death of Jesus.  Athanasius was so fiery that during his 46 years as bishop he was deposed and exiled five times. He was primarily responsible for shaping the New Testament while excluding books he labeled as hearsay.  Many church leaders opposed including Revelation in the New Testament. Athanasius’s predecessor said the book was “unintelligible, irrational and false.”

    Athanasius, though, saw Revelation as a useful political tool. He transformed it into an attack ad against Christians who questioned him.  Rome was no longer the enemy; those who questioned church authority were the anti-Christs in Athanasius’s reading of Revelation.


      January 24, 2018 11:53 AM MST

  • 46117
    What could you possibly have said to cause such a verbose stir amongst the many spiritual questors on this thread here.

    Anyway.  I have no idea what you are saying.  What the heck does Catholicism have to do with Babylon?

    I was raised a Catholic and went to Catholic grade school and a few months of Catholic High School until I begged to escape that uniform and all girl mentality.  UGH.

    Nuns.  Didn't care for 'em.

    Babylon [( bab -uh-luhn, bab -uh-lon)]

    A city in ancient Mesopotamia, famed for its hanging gardens (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World ) and for the sensual lifestyle of its people.

    Note : The Jews were taken captive into Babylon in the sixth century b.c. (See also under “The Bible.”)

    So Catholics are sensual and degenerate?  Huh? 

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at February 10, 2018 7:11 PM MST
      February 10, 2018 5:57 PM MST

  • 7280
    Catholics know that the body is good, so we are quite sensual---of course, some are degenerate in certain areas as well.

    Cute picture---but what happened to the nails?  
      February 10, 2018 7:14 PM MST