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What would you do with your life if you could be free with no debt and no marriage?


Posted - January 27, 2018


  • 6098
    Marry and get in debt. 
      January 27, 2018 4:55 PM MST

  • 11532
    I have no marriage and no debt, so I'm already doing what I would do in that case.
      January 27, 2018 5:02 PM MST

  • 14795
    I'm not married and it's highly unlikely that I ever will ,I also  have no debt ....
      January 27, 2018 5:10 PM MST

  • 46117
    There is no one drawing breath that does not have debt.  Do not kid yourself people.  If you get a bill each month for something, you are gathering debt.  If you own anything, you likely pay taxes and therefore, debt.

    Some people are in debt.  And some people are insufferably crushed by it.   Some people are better off dead it seems rather than try and pay off the mounting, crashing debt that has hit their lives.

    That is hideous.  It is a marriage destroyer, that is for sure.  Any person that could live through a situation of crushing debt and stay married the entire time, is a person that is indeed rare.  

      January 27, 2018 6:32 PM MST

  • 17653
    What I'm doing right now..........whatever I want to.
      January 27, 2018 11:19 PM MST

  • 44746
    I'd be down in Key West drinking Margs with Jimmy Buffet.
      January 28, 2018 7:15 AM MST

  • And looking for your lost shaker of salt? LoL!
    Sounds like a good plan, I'll meet you in Margaritaville.
      January 28, 2018 8:11 AM MST

  • 22891
    i dont have any of that and i still dont know what im doing
      February 14, 2018 6:56 PM MST