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Is mapping around in one of those dang ole Google cars a good occupation?

So that's how we get the street view ;)

Posted - February 4, 2018


  • 46117
    I suck at directions.  The whole world would get lost if I were the driver showing them a route.
      February 4, 2018 10:24 PM MST

  • 53045

    (She's telling the truth, folks.)

      February 4, 2018 10:45 PM MST

  • 46117
    I have directional dyslexia.   Things get all scrambled when I try to do something as simple as a U-turn.  When I do the turn, I cannot tell what direction I was formerly going.   I mean what side the right side is on and what side the left side is on when I am turned around. 

    Old School is amazing at directions.  Amazing. He never gets lost no matter what.  He thinks I have dementia.  LOL  I have been like this since birth. 

      February 4, 2018 11:17 PM MST

  • 1713
    Same here. I rely on landmarks but I give them names like "the lemon house," "the ugly church," or "the horsie place" so nobody really knows what I'm talking about.
      February 5, 2018 6:20 AM MST

  • 5614
    I too suffer the same condition and must rely on landmarks. Must be brain wiring or lack of the magnetic substance found in bird brains that help them point due North ;) This post was edited by O-uknow at February 5, 2018 3:29 PM MST
      February 5, 2018 3:27 PM MST

  • 22891
      February 11, 2018 3:53 PM MST