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Discussion » Questions » Death and Dying » POLL: in your opinion, is it ever ok to use humor as part of an attempt to talk a person out of committing suicide? Why or why not? ~

POLL: in your opinion, is it ever ok to use humor as part of an attempt to talk a person out of committing suicide? Why or why not? ~

A. I'm not trained in that at all, so I have absolutely no business trying it.  The stakes are too high if I were to fail.

B. I'm trained in that, but I've never had to put it to the test yet.  Here's what I know about trying to use humor; _______

C. I'm trained in that, and I have real-life experience in using it.  Here's what I know about trying to use humor; _______

D.  It doesn't seem like a good idea to me; it could backfire.

E.  It doesn't seem like too bad an idea to me; it could work.

F.  Any means necessary.

G.  Is the person out on a ledge that grammar guy?  I'd tell him jokes until he laughs so hard that he loses his balance and plummets.

H.  Two or more of the above answers, specifically ___________

I.  None of the above/or other answer, specifically ___________

Posted - February 18, 2018


  • 7939

    It depends on the situation and what point they're at with things. When there's an immediate crisis and threat, it's a pretty emotional thing and humor can trivialize it. However, as you talk with them more and they start to open up a little, you can sometimes throw in humor as a bonding thing and to make them feel a little more optimistic. If you can get them to crack up or at least smile, you're pretty darn close to getting them to see some hope in the situation, and that's where you want them to be. You really have to know the person and what's bothering them before you can slide in humor, though.
      February 18, 2018 11:25 PM MST

  • 10799

    Yes.  But one has to be very careful when employing it.  Those who are about to commit suicide wont understand humor.  They're too deep into their own minds to comprehend it.  Remember, a suicidal person's thoughts are usually all negative (no one cares, why me, I hate myself, etc.).  If a person is seconds away from suicide, calm soothing words are best.  What you want to do is derail their negative thoughts, such as asking what's their favorite color.  NEVER say anything that might 'set them off' or bring up bad memories.  Just something trivial that will divert their thinking - even if only briefly.
    However, if a person is simply just thinking about it, humor can be a good way to reroute their thoughts (again, nothing negative - no put-down humor).   

    Suicidal people aren't usually alone in their minds.  The voices in their head are conflicting (yes, no, yes, no), the "pain" is intense and they just want it all to go away.  They're either trying or have succeeded in telling themselves that no one understands them or that no one cares.  Sometimes they want someone to try and talk them out of it (then at least one person cares), but sometimes they are determined to go through with it. 
    Talking a person out of suicide is a VERY delicate situation.  Many times there is no time to go get a "professional" to help.  If the person succeeds in taking their life, the one who tried to talk them out of it may end up blaming themselves (if only I'd said such-and-such....  If only I had...). 

    If a friend or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts or is joking about committing suicide - GET THEM HELP IMMEDIATELY!!!  
      February 19, 2018 10:53 AM MST