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On a 1-10 SCALE of WHAT MATTERS MOST where is LIFE and where is GUNS? Why?

Posted - February 21, 2018


  • 1233
    Guns are part of having liberty and liberty is far more important than life.

    Considering life more important that liberty is how weak servile people think. Pure slave talk. Free people are free because they'd rather die than be some timid **** hoping for a kind master. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at February 22, 2018 4:53 AM MST
      February 21, 2018 3:46 PM MST

  • 113301
    LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those are the inalienable rights listed in The DECLARATION OF INDPENDENCE. Nowhere does it mention guns there TZ. Guns take away life and the ability to pursue happiness. Guns do not GUARANTEE liberty. This post was edited by my2cents at February 22, 2018 5:15 AM MST
      February 22, 2018 2:48 AM MST

  • 1233
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that AMONG these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

    It doesn't matter that it doesn't mention it. The constitution does and the founders were careful to say "among these" so as not to imply the list of God given rights is complete.

    You show your legal ignorance yet again. You don't know what inalienable means.

    Inalienable rights can't be taken away by the legislative, but can be suspended by the judicial. Otherwise putting someone in prison would violate their inalienable right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness etc. 

    Rights can be taken by due process of law. That's what justice is; suspending the rights of people who deserve it. Someone can be stripped of their right to bear arms, if the state can show JUST CAUSE on an individual basis. It can't be an taken by an act of the legislative.

    Nothing guarantees liberty. Rights are a guarantee that the STATE won't UNJUSTLY take something that is YOURS. 

    Life can be justly taken in self defence or the defence of others. Guns protect life and liberty. Everyone knows this. If someone comes to kill you, you're going to call the police (i.e. people with guns) to protect you, because you're too weak to embrace the idea of doing it yourself. You want people to risk their lives for you and take on the moral responsibility of being violent for you. 

    I can never forgive the left for what it has done to our civilisation. The younger generation probably have no future. Nothing can excuse the left of the sheer criminal negligence it has committed. It deserves to be insulted. You're lucky you don't get far worse.
    This post was edited by Zeitgeist at February 22, 2018 6:05 PM MST
      February 22, 2018 4:46 AM MST

  • 7280
    There are places in me past which I will not allow you to go---and if it is appropriate, I may well choose death over life.

    But since our concepts of freedom are known and possibly experienced only by the living, I would have to hold life to be more important than guns.

    So, guns 1; life 10.
      February 21, 2018 4:28 PM MST

  • 113301
     Regarding your first sentence tom. Why would you ever think I'd want to "go there" wherever your there is? I don't. Would you choose death for yourself or others or both?. I expect if "the enemy" were approaching and there were no hope you'd prefer death over torture and certain inevitable death. Or perhaps Euthanasia for a loved one rather than allowing that person to suffer terrible agony. But that is not the issue of which I speak . Australia figured a way to stop their gun-related massacres/slaughters in 1996 with their massive gun buyback program. Over 660,000 guns were turned in and destroyed. Another buyback program happened in 2003 and I think happens periodically. Since 1996 there have bee ZERO mass shootings/massacres/slaughter due to gum-related reason. The USA is apparently so fixated on guns there is no hope for a similar logical solution. They want their guns..the more the merrier...the more the betterer. Infantile fanatic obsession. Guns are phallic symbol for the sexually inadequate or so many people think. Me included. It also is a pacifier that babies require. Again. Infantile. Why is America like that? It is a terrible way to be in my opinion. Shameful, embarrassing, humiliating. Australia on the other hand  found a way to solve the problem. SIGH. Sorry for ranting. Thank you for your reply! :)
      February 22, 2018 2:58 AM MST