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Randy D
Discussion » Questions » Death and Dying » Do you have a contingency plan to let people here know when you die? If you do, of course.

Do you have a contingency plan to let people here know when you die? If you do, of course.


Posted - February 21, 2018


  • 17564
    No.  Do you?
      February 21, 2018 12:48 PM MST

  • 44543
    Not yet. probably won't.
      February 21, 2018 1:36 PM MST

  • 46117
    Oh yes.  I'll only die, contingent on the agreement that you honor me and kiss my hiney all the days of my life?

    That one?

      February 21, 2018 2:06 PM MST

  • 44543
    I'll stop by next time I visit JA.
      February 21, 2018 2:19 PM MST

  • 10558
    To whom it may concern:

    If, in the course of events, I ever fail to post a new posting within one year of my last posting , you may assume that I am deceased and was unable to get a coffin with wifi (even though it was stipulated in my will).  PROVIDING that: 1) AM still exists and/or hasn't merged with another "entity"; 2) AM hasn't started charging for use (my money tree farm isn't doing as well as I'd like); 3) AM's connection speed has gotten any slower (what are they using, a 14.4 fax modem??).

      February 21, 2018 2:18 PM MST

  • 10694
    I plan to come back and haunt all of you.
      February 22, 2018 3:55 AM MST