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Have you ever reported anyone to Child Protective Services or an equivalent agency?


Posted - February 22, 2018


  • 5835
    No, but I and my wife were reported once. Wifey had put the baby to sleep and stepped out for some reason. While she was out, some busybody entered the apartment and found the baby unattended, so they reported the finding.

    So I was making hot chocolate for wifey. I set the cup on the table and poured hot milk into it. I put the pan in the sink and while I was turned away, baby grabbed the cup and dumped the hot milk in his face. 

    So we have this lady cop snooping around, and she can't see the baby because he is in the hospital. But she tries to be nice and sets up an appointment when the baby gets out.

    So we walk into this broad's office with burn scars on the baby's face and shoulder, and there is a pot of plastic flowers just about baby high. Of course he goes for the pretty colors. 

    Now this is my son Dammit. He got his name because he had some ear infections and we had to really speak up so he could hear us. So he goes for the flowers and I say "DAMMIT, GET OUT OF THERE!" Well, he knew what "get out of there" meant, and he was a very obedient kid, so he backed away from the flowers, into my arms. The symbolism was not lost on the CPS gal. We chatted for a while, and the situation was all over.
      February 22, 2018 6:38 AM MST

  • 35073
    Reminds me of an Eddie Murphy act a long time ago. Said he and his brothers thought their names were curse words because of the language of their father. 
    I of course cannot quote here because of no cursing allowed. 
      February 22, 2018 7:01 AM MST

  • 7939
    I called CPS once because someone I knew was using hard drugs and had several small children at home with her when she did it. She'd basically go back into her bedroom, lock the door, shoot up, and pass out.

    The agent said that as long as the children were safe when she did it and not exposed to the drugs, nothing would be done. The kids were old enough that they could get food from the kitchen, and she did keep food in the house, so she technically would not be considered neglectful. And, as long as they weren't physically present in the room with her when she was shooting up, it was not endangerment. 

    When I learned that, I did not bother to make a report. 

    Have you?
      February 22, 2018 12:31 PM MST

  • 53693

      No. I. Have. Never. Reported. You. Anyone. To. CPS. Why, do you think I have?

      February 22, 2018 7:21 PM MST

  • 7939
    No, I didn't think you did. This was kind of an oddball question, though, and I wondered what prompted it.
      February 22, 2018 7:23 PM MST

  • 53693

      Oh, I see. Well, I've never called CPS on anyone who starved her brood if they didn't dance properly while begging her to feed them. No, that's not my style, sticking my nose in other people's affairs. What difference does it make to me if she never lets them wear clothes or their hair is matted like dried kelp?  

      February 22, 2018 7:26 PM MST

  • 7939
    LMAO Oh, I see. Well, I'm sure that at the very least, whomever this person is, at least she has the decency not to put a washer and dryer in the kitchen. That's just wrong. 
      February 23, 2018 10:18 AM MST

  • 17660
      February 22, 2018 10:14 PM MST

  • 1326
    Yes, but to no avail. Though the parent reported on is a known drug user, and was left caring for his infant son while under the i fluence, cps refused to get involved. 
      March 1, 2018 9:38 PM MST