Discussion»Questions»Random Knowledge» You are on a long stretch of highway, the next rest area is 43 miles away and you REALLY have to pee. What do you do?
One assumes we are driving in this scenario. If on foot, this isn’t much of a question. You go. Driving, if it’s 43 miles to the next civilization, I doubt there’d be much opposition from the trees.
I carry a cup for that on long trips. Good thing I'm a guy. Only pooping beside the road is considered an emergency here. Hanging out the dong/peach and getting caught will definitely get you indecent exposure, if not registered.
I have done that right on the interstate. When I was trying to get back home after Hurricane Irma the gas stations were mostly closed and I was zigzaging on small roads because I75 was a parking lot. I had a case of water to keep me going and go I had to do....most often on the side of the road. I got to where I wasn't even that bothered by it.