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My son turned 38 today. Should I feel old?

Posted - March 11, 2018


  • 44373
    Nah. My son turns 40 in July and me daughter will be thirty eight in August. Not to worry.
      March 11, 2018 12:59 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I win.

      March 11, 2018 1:31 PM MDT

  • 3463
    Time sure flies when we are having fun. LOL
      March 11, 2018 1:35 PM MDT

  • 46117
    My daughter was born Feb. 27, 1972.

    I AM old.

    Happy Birthday, Pices child.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at March 11, 2018 1:54 PM MDT
      March 11, 2018 1:28 PM MDT

  • 3463
    He told me that he feels old. I said just wait a few years if you think you feel old now.
      March 11, 2018 1:37 PM MDT

  • 3375
    My daughter turns 34 next month and I am a first time grandmother.  Aaack!  Me!  I still want to act silly and young.
      March 11, 2018 1:55 PM MDT

  • 3463
    I like acting silly and young too.
    I hope we always will.
      March 11, 2018 2:12 PM MDT

  •   March 11, 2018 6:10 PM MDT

  • 3463
    Love it.
      March 11, 2018 6:21 PM MDT

  •   March 11, 2018 6:08 PM MDT

  • 2960
    No, your son should feel old. This society is done with you after 35.
      March 11, 2018 6:14 PM MDT

  • 2327
    It depends how old you were when he was born. 

    18? No
    45? Maybe ;P
      March 11, 2018 8:31 PM MDT

  • 16376
    That depends. Is your son a parent? Then you're old. Grandparents have to be - my son is only 24 but I've been "old" for a year now, his son was born the day after his 23rd birthday.
      March 11, 2018 8:49 PM MDT