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Randy D
Discussion » Questions » Business » Liars. I have noticed some food products labled 'sugar free' that have corn syrup as an ingredient.

Liars. I have noticed some food products labled 'sugar free' that have corn syrup as an ingredient.

Corn syrup is 45-55% glucose...a monosaccharide SUGAR. I am now investigating the FDA on false labeling. Is the FDA being controlled by the corn growers lobbyists? I'm serious folks.

Posted - March 31, 2018


  • 13395
    Sometimes you see an ingredient listed as cellulose which actually means sawdust or wood shavings. 
      March 31, 2018 7:53 PM MDT

  • 44362
    Yeah...they are harmless and actually provide fiber. Sugar is another story.
      March 31, 2018 8:00 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Harmless long as one does not get slivers in some awkward place.
      March 31, 2018 8:08 PM MDT

  • 1713
    Maybe it's a magical sugarless corn syrup.
      April 1, 2018 6:21 AM MDT

  • 17483
    Double check.  I never see "sugar free" on products anymore; it's been replaced with "no sugar added."  Those are very different claims. This post was edited by Thriftymaid at April 1, 2018 5:24 PM MDT
      April 1, 2018 5:24 PM MDT