Discussion»Questions»Food and Drink» I think that sourdough is the most vile and most putrid form of bread known to mankind. What's your least fave kind of bread? ~
I like bread bake from sourdought. there are several good sourdough bakers here in DK. Another reason to like it is that it last a long time in the breadbox before it dry up and become hard.
I love sour dough bread. I don't like whole wheat bread. Whole wheat. I buy wheat bread often but it is only about 30% whole wheat. When I make bread I use 1/4 whole wheat flour and it's delish.
Sourdough is real bread. It's the original leavened bread. I paid $10 for a loaf of Tartine sourdough and it was divine. The world's greatest bread, I swear.
I don't care for Wonder bread and the like (plain white toast bread). Dutch crunch, sourdough, rye--all good to me, though.