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What business does a teacher have force feeding her opinion on 6th graders? What should happen to her?

Posted - April 5, 2018


  • 23810
    I didn't listen. Sorry, but I tire of both Fox and CNN and what-I-see-as their own rants and harping with their choice of stories and manner-of-reporting those stories.

    But, in general, politics should probably be best left out of classrooms of children. C'mon, teachers.

      April 5, 2018 6:26 PM MDT

  • 404
    this isn't fox or cnn ranting...this is a 6th grade teacher ranting. start at the 11 mark.
      April 5, 2018 6:44 PM MDT

  • 23810
    Oh, yes, I believe you, maggie.  I'm sorry about my comment coming across as it did. I left too much out about what I was thinking.

    And I should have, more importantly, added that I didn't want to hear the teacher herself - - I didn't want to hear some teacher ranting anti-President Trump stuff that, ESPECIALLY, shouldn't be said in front of sixth-graders! I know it would only upset me 
    And on my screen, I can see a still image of some of the teacher's words. That was enough for me. Even that little bit I saw I allowed to upset me.

    I've been thinking about your question since I saw it - -  and I am grateful I had the teachers whom I had. None of them did such things.

    I hope you understand why I didn't listen to the clip. Again, though, I do believe you.

    Regardless of what one thinks of President Trump, you've asked a good question!

      April 5, 2018 7:03 PM MDT

  • 404
    I agree..i don't remember any teachers pushing their political views on me either...especially in 6th grade....Id almost pretty much expect that crap in college these days....but grade school? her, she has no business working with kids....old hateful thing.
    an article says its the same school that another teacher had her students write letters to congress asking for stricter gun laws, regardless of what the kids are taught or told at home....not because it pertains to the class they were taking. I do think those kids were older though...
    Id be pulling my kids out of that school. This post was edited by maggie at April 5, 2018 8:51 PM MDT
      April 5, 2018 7:55 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Oh kill her.  I mean how dare she say something that is against TRUMP on a FOX news station.

    First of all, Maggie, that show has no business telling anyone to be horrified at forcing any opinion down anyone's throat.

    PLEASE don't make me  vomit.

    6th graders can handle opinions. 

    I'll bet  FOX wouldn't touch any story that had a teacher denigrating Obama.  Even if it was totally racist. 

    Turn off FOX news and quit embarrassing yourself.  PLEASE.
      April 5, 2018 11:34 PM MDT

  • 23810
    Hi Sharonna!
    "First of all that show has no business telling anyone to be horrified at forcing any opinion down anyone's throat."

    Though I may not agree with politics with sixth graders (I realize I may be wrong -- I'm wavering all over lately when it comes to politics), your statement about that show I find true, too.
      April 6, 2018 6:28 AM MDT

  • 404
    and..theyre not talking to a room of 12 year old kids. Obama has his own story coming out...don't you worry about that...THEN well all be talking abpout Obama again...and youll be defending him as pitiful as it will sound.
      April 6, 2018 7:13 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Well unless we want to home school all our kids then we do need to hire teachers and though we may tell them what to teach and indeed how to teach it still our kids will not be completely immune from any personal feelings the teachers may have or harbor. So we just cannot exert that level of control. 

    Here in Massachusetts a high school girl was dismissed for advocating Trump for president back when he was a long shot and none of us took very seriously his candidacy.  
      April 6, 2018 6:57 AM MDT

  • 404

    and people need to quit putting up with it...get rid of the political teachers who cant hold their opinions (regardless of what they are) and teach their subjects. Don't tolerate crap from the kids, theyre there to learn those subjects, . if the schools cant do this..then people do need to take their kids to a school that does...a lot of options these days.
    We had a student in first grade that when a child sneezed he said bless you...and got a talking to about it because he might offend someone.but when a child the same age gets beat down in a bathroom, to the point of passing out, its not important enough to mention it to the parents...let alone do anything about it.
    schools are zoos anymore...with faculty leading the way.
    and teachers have to worry about being attacked at their jobs by their students , but yet those students are allowed to remain in their class....its a mess This post was edited by maggie at April 6, 2018 7:37 AM MDT
      April 6, 2018 7:17 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I would have to ask first ... what class does the teacher, teach?

    If it is history ... it would be appropriate for the teacher to point out how America has failed.
    Though not in the form of a rant against the President or "Make America Great Again" motto.
      April 6, 2018 11:55 AM MDT

  • 5391
    Much like personal religious beliefs, expressing adult political opinions have no place in a children’s classroom.
    There are plenty of forums outside of schools to vent one’s politics. 
      April 7, 2018 6:37 AM MDT

  • 41
    That has no place in a public school. It is racist personal opinion that is debatable. If she tells students such stuff, she should be fired. Teacher are there to present objective facts, not biased personal beliefs that are dubious.
      April 8, 2018 1:14 PM MDT