Discussion » Questions » Military » How much hate are boot camp trainers allowed to teach to new recruits in YOUR country?

How much hate are boot camp trainers allowed to teach to new recruits in YOUR country?

It differs a lot, but my guess my take would be: 'the less, the better'.

Posted - April 20, 2018


  • 44714
    I trained recruits for 4 years and I taught them no hate.
      April 20, 2018 7:59 AM MDT

  • 5354
    I can well believe it, it does not seem to be your natural MO
      April 20, 2018 8:31 AM MDT

  • 44714
    thank you. you are correct.
      September 13, 2019 2:57 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I wonder if you were responsible for the longevity of the war in Viet Nam.  Maybe you made everyone too nice to those awful Vietnamese evil doers.


    I think I know ZERO about the army, the navy, the marines.  Zero. I do know that you are not an average guy as far as that MACHO crap is concerned.  You are a reasonable, rational and pretty nice fellow.  I see you being that in the service as well.

    Did you see other officers acting like you?  Maybe one in ten.  The other nine are AHOLES.  NO?  If you tell me no, I will believe you.  
      September 13, 2019 1:02 PM MDT

  • 44714
    no, i didn't. we all did our jobs professionally.
      September 13, 2019 2:58 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Then maybe Archer Chef is right about me. I am happy to know I am wrong.  I think of the military as a stereotypical man eat man type of operation.  SORRY. GLAD YOU ARE NOT THE ANOMALY.  
      September 13, 2019 3:33 PM MDT

  • 1893
    Element was a SPCO, Senior Cheif Petty Officer - a Non Commissioned officer if my memory serves me correctly.  NCO's are the backbone of any Service Branch, I respect them highly.  I feel 99.9% do their jobs in a professional manner.

    I started as an E1 (private) I finished my career as an O5 (Lt. Colonel).  So I saw the Corps from both sides of the fence so to speak.  In my career I only met 2-3 real assholes and they were RIF'd (booted) very quickly.

    As a whole we interact with the world in a Non Political manner.  We are polite for the most part, and respect others for their opinions.  We never have outward shows of our political opinions, career suicide.  For the most part we are the biggest pacifists though we are trained for war.  We go where the politicians send us even though we may believe the mission is FUBAR.  That is our job, and to succeed we do it well.

    I have commanded squads, platoons, Companies, and a Battalion, XO on the Regimental level.

    Your lack of knowledge about the services is ignorance.  Your rants lay that ignorance out, your bias is learned from sources other than military based on faulty assumptions.  Which in effect is bigotry of a sort.

    I respect your opinions, and am glad you are in a free country where you can express same.  There are places in the world where I have traveled and still travel to where at minimum would be targeted.  If that happened Stateside I would be the first in line to defend your rights, so would 100% of the Marines I served with though we disagree with your position .

    Have a goood weekend, I do love some of your posts.
      September 14, 2019 9:38 AM MDT

  • 423
    I think very few of us are not host to at least the merest shred of basic humanity. A steady inculcation of hateful propoganda can go a long way to curing this when it comes time to engage in honest to God annihilating, raping, maiming, and disseminating dangerous chemicals to ensure future generations, if any, are born horribly deformed or mentally defective, thus impotent to thwart our onward and upward striving towards greater freedom within our coveted state of superiority and dominance.
      September 9, 2019 8:40 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Thank you for taking advantage of the font sizes.  I love using them.  
      September 9, 2019 8:47 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Is this Alex Jones?  Are you Alex?

    HI there Alex. I realize you have lost your mind and found it again, as you have stated in your tirades across the internet stations. I realize that you are now saying that you were nuts but that was because you were drinking or something and off your meds.

    And this, ALEX?  This is the sane you?  

    Start drinking again.  
      September 13, 2019 12:59 PM MDT

  • 46117
    If there is anyone in the military today that is on here, maybe you would get a good answer.

    Who knows? 
      September 9, 2019 8:48 AM MDT

  • 1893
    In my Military career hate was never taught, not in Boot Camp, not in advanced training, and not on deployment.  Note I had three (3) major combat deployments. 

    Hate was never tolerated though we acknowledged it existed in a few members of the Service across branches.  I would never have an officer or an NCO under me who exhibited same serve in my command.  These folks would tend to do something stupid and get someone injured or killed.
      September 13, 2019 12:53 PM MDT

  • 46117
    WOW.  It just gives more WEIGHT to the propaganda that America is the land of the free.

    We have been kept doped with religion and sex and TV and we think we're so clever and classless and free but we are still peasants
    as far as John Lennon could see.

    I am just underwhelmed about all things America these days.  I have been in this state since the 60's though.  
      September 13, 2019 12:57 PM MDT

  • 1893
    Your ignorance and bigotry is showing again.  Tonight is a Full Moon so I will let this pass This post was edited by Archerchef at September 13, 2019 3:00 PM MDT
      September 13, 2019 1:24 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Oh.  PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME as to why you said this.  

    I am ignorant?  This I gotta hear.  And I already forgive you because I have said some awful things to you in the past that I also regret.

    But, I am listening. ????  WHAT????
      September 13, 2019 1:27 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I'm starting to get weird vibes here.  

    Is this YOU????

    Is this why you are attacking me?  Are you PRO TRUMP?  

      September 13, 2019 2:13 PM MDT

  • 1893
    I never attacked you, just laid out out some chinks in the armor of you arguments.  It is called polite discourse or debate in short.
      September 14, 2019 9:43 AM MDT