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"Together for America" has been launched as more Republicans and independents are supporting Clinton - even former members of the Ford, Reagan, and Bush staffs

Will anybody be left to vote for Trump by Election Day? How big of a landslide will it be?

Posted - August 10, 2016


  • 46117

    Do they have a CHOICE?  

      August 10, 2016 10:32 AM MDT

  • 13277

    Maybe not. But the silence of our usual suspects such as my2cents, Delivering The Truth, and SaltandRedPepper is growing luder and louder!

      August 10, 2016 10:34 AM MDT

  • 3934

    I have one thing to say to "Together for America"


    I have ZERO sympathy for GOPers who were perfectly happy to exploit the GOP racist/xenophobic/White Christian Dominionist base when it won them elections.  Now that their core of bat-s**t crazy nut jobs is going to cost them an election, NOW they have "second thoughts"? F**K YOU!

    I MIGHT, repeat, MIGHT have been somewhat impressed had they come out publicly immediately after the RNC convention when Trump was roughly tied with HRC in the polls and it seemed like there was a real chance he could win the election.

    Now that HRC has reversed that trend and appears to be headed for a fairly easy victory, NOW the supposedly sane GOPers come out in support of her?  It gives the awfully strong appearance of political opportunism.

    So I repeat my initial statement. They can all go Cheney themselves.

      August 10, 2016 10:54 AM MDT

  • I'm not sure if that will have any impact, but what is more interesting is that Republicans are supporting HC. 

    What'sup with that? That speaks more about HC than it does about Trumpanzee.  I'm probabably gonna P**s some people off on both sides, but in reality, HC is a moderate republican.

    And you know what????????? If the deck wasn't stacked against Bernie Sanders by the DNC and he justifiably secured the Democratic nomination...Many of these discussions would not be happening...Trump's polling #s would be in single digits or lower teens.  

    The only reason that HC won the primary is because she has a vagina... It's that simple. People are so damn desperate to see a female POTUS, they picked a highly flawed person with extreme honesty & integrity issues.


      August 10, 2016 11:17 AM MDT