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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Used to be that an American would NEVER criticize America while on foreign soil. In Israel RudyG did. Why?

Used to be that an American would NEVER criticize America while on foreign soil. In Israel RudyG did. Why?

He said the FBI FRAMED don juan.
He viciously disparaged Stormy Daniels, an American Citizen

He is humiliating himself with every word. He is so anxious to kiss don's corpulent arse he will do and say anything he thinks will make don like him even more. Pitiful example of a used-to-be officer of the court who believed in the rule of law and the shambles/shards that are left now.

Posted - June 7, 2018


  • 1233
    That is not a criticism of America. It's not even a criticism of the FBI as a whole. There is good and bad in everything.

    As always the left is unable to see the distinctions between the nation, the state and society. It's also unable to see the obviously distinct factions that exist within state and within the institutions of the state like the FBI.

    He didn't talk bad about America, he talked bad about the deep state.

    Stormy Daniels is a whore. Whether the allegations of adultery against Trump are true or false, she is STILL an extortionist POS who had be bribed (either to be discrete or not to engage in slander). She is completely undeserving of respect in any case. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at June 8, 2018 2:55 AM MDT
      June 8, 2018 1:50 AM MDT