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What punishment should these rogue cops receive?

If the answer is none, why do you want the U.S.A. to be a police state?

Posted - August 12, 2016


  • 2758

    First, you should know there are few people on this planet who get more pissed off than me when it comes to abuse of authority by ANY armed koward in kevlar!  That said...

    1) When one enters an airport (basically a federal installation), one surrenders many of his/her human rights--the right to self defense being one of them.  If you do not know this, please send me directions to your cave.  It seems like a very cool place to live. :-)

    2) When accosted by the cops, resistance is not only futile, it will get you killed or maimed in short order.  As long as you resist, you leave yourself OPEN to whatever they choose to do to you. It matters not whether you're in the right or they are. Comply.  Unless you're completely fluent/practiced in one or more of the martial arts, doing anything else is hazardous to your health.  That's ESPECIALLY true nowadays when bullies with badges are roaming the streets.

    3) The nimrods who work for the TSA receive the bare minimum of education on how to handle belligerent passengers, or hell, passengers who are just a little pissed off at all the hassle.  There's no way they could know, or could be expected to know, that the woman was a cancer sufferer.

    So, in summary, I'm not sure any form of punishment is appropriate in this case--although I definitely WOULD recommend continuing education.

      August 12, 2016 2:51 AM MDT