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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Santa has a list of GOOD little boys and girls. I'm sure GOD has a list too..perhaps two. GOOD and EVIL. Satan's list? Getting longer?

Santa has a list of GOOD little boys and girls. I'm sure GOD has a list too..perhaps two. GOOD and EVIL. Satan's list? Getting longer?

Satan has ONE list. All the VERY BAD little boys and girls. All those who tell lies. All those who harm others. All those who HATE. All those who go to church but serve him 24/7 in what they do/say. His is the best list there is on which to be for those who admire TOUGH COMPLETE CRUEL HEARTLESS POWER. They live and breathe it. They don't ask "what would Jesus do"? Rather they ask "what would Satan do" and then they do it. Lists and lists and lists. More and more and more of them. What lists do you have and what lists are you on?

Posted - June 15, 2018


  • 10802
    God has only one "list" - the Book of Life.  Satan, on the other hand, doesn't give a crap about lists.  If one isn't on God's "list" then Satan has them. Simple as that.

    The only lists I have are grocery lists.  Go, get what's on the list (and only what's on the list), and get out - just as fast as possible!

      June 15, 2018 9:06 AM MDT

  • 113301
    No list of "things to do" beyond groceries then? Seriously Shuhak? You must have a very good memory then. Jim and I live by our calendar. We write everything down on it and keep them year after year to refer back to if needed.  We also make lists all the time. My grocery list is not limited to groceries. We do errands too so my list is on an 8-1/2 by 11 size lined pad. It also has things like  Banking and paying bills (I love to pay them in person. Our local Mail  Depot lets you pay Gas and Electric bills free of charge so that's where we go). Also we go to City Hall monthly to pay the water and sewer bill. Why? Because we like to do so. Then we also write down things like going to  Harbor Freight or Lowe's to get whatever Jim needs. We LIVE by our lists.  As for GOD when was the last time you and HE had a conversation? Before King don? King don has changed everything. Or is busting his corpulent arse trying to. I think (I don't KNOW) that GOD is watching King don very closely and also all the adoring worshippers who support his wackadoodle evil insanities. I wouldn't want to be one of them on JUDGMENT DAY. I'm not sure though that it is either/or. If you aren't GODLY then you belong to SATAN. There are the greys who float through life never committing to anything. Like tumbleweeds. They go hither and yon mindlessly. Neither saint nor sinner be they. Just how I see it. Many greys. Getting greyer these days. Opting out of participating. Don't vote. Don't pay attention to what is going on. Don't care one  way or the other. Not evil. Not angelic. Neutral. Ciphers. Useless. Thank you for your reply! :)
      June 16, 2018 3:02 AM MDT

  • 10802

    If I happen to have  a medical appointment (rare) I'll put it on the calendar. Otherwise no other lists.  Iused to have a phenomenal memory (slightly eidetic).  Unfortunately, age and depression are eating away at it.
    I pay all my bills online.  I remember when I was young mom would drive all over town to pay bills (water, electric, phone, drug store, and such).  Today, nearly all those places are gone.  They've moved their offices to larger cities or out of state.  

    I talk to God all the time (prayer).  I will not judge anyone on their standing with God (not may call as I cannot see their heart).
    There is no "gray area" when it comes to God.  As you said, if you aren't with God you're with satan.  There's no middle ground.  No "fence" to sit on.  No neutral zone.  God doesn't accept apathetic service either (the bible's quite clear on that).

      June 16, 2018 12:51 PM MDT

  • 113301
    More differences m'dear. I do NOTHING on line. NOTHING with regard to finance. I do not buy on line. I do not bank on line. I do email. I research things in which I am interested I Answermug. That's all I do on line. I'm a hands-on gal. I would never buy groceries on line. I want to choose every item after I have inspected it first. You cannot do that through an electronic device. I am not into spending money outside my community. I do not relish having to ship things back that do not fit, are not what was advertised or are broken. I take what I buy back to where I bought it. I am a simple person. An impatient person. I also am lazy. If I can find an easier way to do something I do it. If there is a shortcut I take it. As for God I cannot remember a day in my life when I didn't talk to HIM.  I was a Sunday School teacher at age 12.  I taught the nursery school kids about GOD's love. I  don't go out and proselytize to anyone. I don't attend church. I don't go through any middlemen and haven't for many years. My connection is direct. I differ with you in your assessment though that If you are not WITH GOD you are with the other guy. I will tell you why.  Some of the kindest most helpful and loving people I know are Atheists. Relatives included. GOD is love. If humans do not worship HIM but treat one another with kindness and LOVE the GOD in whom I believe knows that. I think what is most important to HIM is how we treat one another. Did HE tell me that? Of course not. I speak. HE listens. It has always been that way. But I think it would be out of character for the GOD in whom I believe to not appreciate that. So we differ. So what?  As for bill paying I'm with your mom. We go to CITY HALL monthly to pay that bill. I pay the gas and electric bills at our local Mail Depot which does not charge for it. I pay my Bankcard in person at the bank. I like face-to-face interactions and I will seek them wherever they exist and take advantage of them. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Friday!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at June 22, 2018 9:55 AM MDT
      June 22, 2018 5:10 AM MDT

  • 10802
    Due to my social anxieties I prefer doing most online.  Groceries, however,... no.  I want to see and touch my produce (the gardener in me).  I want to make sure a can's not dented.

    I'm plenty lazy myself.  I drove people at work nuts as I did things MY way because my way was easier (and quicker) than corporates method.  Never sloppy of half-a$$ed,mind you as my perfectionism wouldn't allow that.

    I mean no disrespect here...

    Yes, God is love and He loves everyone equally.  However, how can an atheist be with God when they deny His existence?  I fully agree that many non-religious people are very kind, loving, and such - soem more than those who profess to be "religious".
      June 22, 2018 10:12 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh gosh Shuhak. I apologize. I had no idea. If you have mentioned that before I don't remember. I'm really sorry. I am partially agoraphobic. The only place outside the home where I feel safe is in a market surrounded by food. Of course we go out to medical appointments as needed. But otherwise? I like being home best. So I can relate. Vis a vis GOD.  You are intellectualizing about it with human capability/capacity which is limited. I know you know GOD  isn't confined by human limitations as we are. As you conjecture about how an atheist can be with GOD while denying HIS existence I conjecture about what GOD thinks, feels, believes and I admit that is being very cheeky. I don't think you have to believe in good to be good  Shuhak. You just are or you aren't. I think if you are "good" only because there are consequences to  being bad then you really aren't good. Some people are just naturally good people. And conversely I believe (and we see every day evidence of it) that some people are just naturally bad/evil. What you and I perceive has limits. GOD is limitless  so I think HE values/appreciates all those who treat others with kindness/love/respect. I don't think of  GOD as being egotistical or arrogant or needy. I think of HIM as perfect and perfection does not allow for human frailty. Thank you for your reply m'dear! :) This post was edited by RosieG at June 23, 2018 7:14 AM MDT
      June 22, 2018 11:29 AM MDT

  • 10802
    Nothing to apologize for.

    Of course one doesn't have to believe in God to be good.  People were created in God's image.  Since God is love, His image would be love as well (have the ability to love and be loved).  Love is good, so we are "naturally" good too.  We choose to be "bad".   God Loves everyone (bad or good).  But it's easier for us to know this if we're going good (when one is doing bad they are usually only thinking about themselves).  God values and respects al who do good (again He said that in His Word).  But what He really wants is for us to go beyond simply doing good and doing things out of love (unselfish).  In doing so we are reflecting Him (there's that image again). This post was edited by Shuhak at June 23, 2018 7:14 AM MDT
      June 22, 2018 2:19 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I think you think I meant to write "one doesn't need to believe in GOD to be good". No. That is not what I wrote. What I intentionally wrote was that "one doesn't need to  believe in good to be good". Just wanted to clarify that. I have no quarrel with what you said above. But the issue we are discussing is that you questioned how an atheist can be one with God and deny HIS existence. People don't need to be one WITH GOD to be good, do good, treat one another with kindness. GOD is not integral in my opinion to how we relate to other human beings. Yes. We have sources to go to and read about what Jesus/GOD have said. But good can exist outside of any knowledge of that. From the earliest times some people were "good" and others weren't. They didn't have language I expect until later. But some were kind and some were cruel without being advised or counseled or educated to be anything. I truly think all of it is innate. Now it can be changed by experience of course. Some folks are just kind from the git go and others just aren't. You can see that most splendidly in the behavior of toddlers. There are those who are very selfish and will not share. They just take what belongs to others. Then there are those who hold out their toys for others to play with. You see that all the time among toddlers. An instinctive way of being. Too young to really understand anything intellectually so it is instinct..natural born..that must guide them. What else could it be? Sorry for the lengthy reply. Thank you for your response Shuhak and Happy Saturday!  :)
      June 23, 2018 7:26 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I don't believe in God or Mr Satan Rosie....They were both dreamed up by some very clever person many years ago...
    In Mr Satans defence my knowledge he's not written any nasty hate filled books ordering /asking humans to kill disbelieves in his name  and when they do few are ever prosecuted for their crimes....
    There will be no peace or harmony on this planet until all religions are abolished I think....

      June 22, 2018 10:24 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I know that  D. I don't mind it at all. You are whom you are and I value that person. It doesn't require us to be joined at the hip and believe or disbelieve in concert. I recognize that people believe what makes sense to them. I do not look down on them for that. It is whom they are. In return I expect them not look down on me for my beliefs. After all reciprocity rocks don'tcha think? I disagree with your views absolutely but you are certainly entitled to them. What does religion have to do with Donald Trump and all the evil he has wrought? You don't have to answer that because I think no one can. It is very simplistic to blame disharmony and lack of peace on one thing. I think there is a multipliticy of reasons not the least of which is what humans are. Look at the humans in America who elected Donald Trump. Do you blame religion on that? I don't. Anyway you are you and I am me and good for us! May we survive and thrive. Thank you for your reply D.
      June 22, 2018 11:35 AM MDT

  • 14795
    To be honest Rosie....I think most all politicians use religion to gain votes, If Trump was desperate to get elected ,he'd be one hell of a fool to upset the religious constitutes that he needs to vote for him...
    I think all politicians no matter what party will say just about anything to gain votes....
    They all promise to change and alter unjust things......but once elected do exactly what they wish or are ordered to do by giagantic powerful wealthy corporations like MacDonalds,the soya bean ,oil producing companies ....
    To stay in power your President has to toe the line to some degree....
    The English horrible creep Tony Blair is worth 60 million pounds plus ....He was called the Liar of the Law courts before he became prime minister....  Who knows how much more he has stashed away over the years.... 
      June 22, 2018 1:20 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Here's the thing honey and from your perspective it can't possibly shock you as much as it shocks me. You do not believe in a supreme being. Fine. I do. That's fine too. These folks who adore this monstrously corrupt evil man also purportedly believe in a supreme being! I cannot comprehend how that can be. No religion could possibly approve of this monster racist who is also a traitor. So his so-called "religious" base must be devotees of SATAN/DEVIL. Which you also would not believe in. They quote Bible verses to support his evil. They seemingly have no problem with that. Now how twisted and a**-backwards is THAT? They self-righteously continue going to their churches and listening to their clergy who are equally DEPRAVED and CORRUPT. That's what is so preposterous and absurd and ridiculous and tragic. I think they are all committing BLASPHEMY which would be something else in which you don't believe. Of course you are removed from the center of the fray because you're a Brit and the monster man isn't YOUR twit. SIGH. Every day the calumny attributed to him grows more and more. Thank you for your reply D and Happy Sunday to thee! :)
      June 24, 2018 4:02 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Many people who wish power more than anything use it merely  as a tool not do so would ruin their chances for election....
    Why do religious people enlist in an army or have any part in violent activerties....
    How many religious people own and use guns .....surely they are all against killing people for what ever reason....

    Im not religious and have no desire to kill anyone apart from peadophiles or other evil creeps.....:(
      June 24, 2018 7:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The so-called religious folks interpret THOU SHALT NOT KILL to really mean "thou shalt not murder" which very nicely allows them all the leeway opportunity they need to kill anyone at any time for any reason conveniently knowing that GOD doesn't forbid killing even though that is precisely what the commandment says. They are very adept at squeezing the meaning out of anything they want badly enough and pretzelizing it. It would be pathetically amusing if they were not so seriously intent about murdering those with whom they find fault and putting lipstick on it and call it a "righteous" killing. Thank you for your reply D and Happy Tuesday to thee! :) This post was edited by RosieG at June 26, 2018 3:43 PM MDT
      June 26, 2018 5:40 AM MDT

  • 14795
      June 26, 2018 3:44 PM MDT

  • 13071
    Satin feeds off children, you are right.
      June 24, 2018 8:51 AM MDT