This is one of those "unintended consequences" situations.
The courts have ruled you can't detain children for more than 20 days.
AND if you do hold them at all, it has to be in a facility that meets conditions for "child care".
Yet we can detain adults who come into the country illegally, until such time as they have a hearing to be either granted asylum or deported.
So what do you do? Remembering that there are (I heard) only 300 immigration judges and 800,000 cases backlogged.
President Obama choose not to detain the parents ... hoping that they could be tracked down later (many couldn't be) and would voluntarily show up for a hearing (many didn't). So that didn't work well.
President Trump choose to detain the parents ... but then you have to either have the hearing in 20 days, if you keep the kids with the parents in a "childcare" facility ... or separate the kids from the parents.
Some have suggested using ankle monitors. But I highly doubt we have 800,000 devices, let alone the people to monitor everyone.
Some have suggested we just let the border open and allow everyone to come in.
This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at June 22, 2018 12:42 PM MDT