Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Ever get more than you expected? More than was advertised? More than your money's worth? Or is it always the exact opposite?
I once volunteered to help promote a sports event. I printed up flyers to put on parked cars. I contacted the local newspaper sports writer and got event exposure on the sports page. The event had 800+ paid ticket sales. Not too bad. They gave me $500 for a job I volunteered for. I was not expecting anything but reimbursement for my flyer paper.
SAY WHAT? That is AWESOME bh! You volunteered out of the goodness of your heart expecting nothing in return and BINGO! Makes up for the times you get shafted/screwed/lied to. Or at least this one time maybe it offset experiences like that a tiny little bit. Thank you for sharing that. Being thanked and knowing that you were helpful is payment enough and you got an unexpected bonus! WAY TO GO! Happy Sunday! :)