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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It got so hot don had to RECANT on separating kids/moms. Will he RECANT AGAIN on trade wars because of the heat?

It got so hot don had to RECANT on separating kids/moms. Will he RECANT AGAIN on trade wars because of the heat?

How many jobs could be lost potentially due to don's trade wars gambit? Hundreds, thousands, millions? Could yours be one of them?

Posted - June 28, 2018


  • 46117
    If he does?  He will erase history and claim he saved the country by being benevolent.

    Swaying his STOCKHOLM SYNDROME base once more.

    The Pied Piper of Hell.

      June 28, 2018 8:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply and the nifty graphic Sharon. I have given up talking to any of them. They are all a lost cause and not worth wasting my time upon. TRUTH matters not  to them. Desperate despot don is a TRAITOR to their country and they do not give a sh** about it. How do you talk to people like that? You don't. You just ignore/avoid/blot out their existence. Not worth it. :)
      June 28, 2018 1:08 PM MDT

  • 6477
    I've always maintained that there are consequences.. and that doesn't seem to have entered Strumpet's tiny brain.. America needs exports as they bring in wealth and growth in the economy.. So even if, like the UK you import more than you export by angering allies and trade partners all you are going to do is get them to retaliate.. This could well damage American industry.. industry that employs American people... bad move.. Then there's also consequences like say BMW that has factories in the US... if they get mad and pull out.. American jobs go.. and this hurts the economy... 
      June 28, 2018 10:49 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Personally between thee and me I hope the ones hurt most are his ardent supporters/worshippers. Those of us who knew he was a piece of crap shouldn't suffer just because he pulled the wool over the eyes of his worshippers. No matter how bad it is for them they will forever and always WORSHIP him and support him and adore him. I've given up trying to figure it out. Thank you for your reply Addb! :)
      June 28, 2018 12:52 PM MDT

  • 6477
    That's what I have said all along that the worst hit will be his poor supporters who have been hoodwinked. 
      June 28, 2018 1:23 PM MDT

  • 113301
    They are either oblivious or they know and don't care. Very odd group of folks. Many of them purport to be religious. They support/defend/adore/admire an evil piece of crap...the antithesis of good... despot don ...and they do it with a straight face and much sincerity. Something is very wrong with them. What's so awful is that there are so many of them. We're surrounded by them. I think there will be a huge fracas or riot and whomever is left standing wins. Tomorrow there will be hundreds of protests all over America vis a vis the evil being done to immigrants/asylum seekers. The cruelty and coldness and hatred of it boggles the mind. There will be an end and it won't be pretty for all of them who have been so blind and deaf and dumb and evil. Sooner rather than later I hope. Thank you for your reply Addb and Happy Friday to thee! :) This post was edited by RosieG at June 30, 2018 2:50 PM MDT
      June 29, 2018 2:50 AM MDT

  • 35082
    What heat?  Germany is already agreeing to NO tariffs on cars at all.  That is what Free trade is supposed to be....NO tariffs, no gov supporting businesses, no currency manipulation.....otherwise if ain't Free.  
      June 28, 2018 11:37 AM MDT