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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A coupla days ago 600 women were arrested for protesting don. Today ZILLIONS will protest. How many will don ARREST?

A coupla days ago 600 women were arrested for protesting don. Today ZILLIONS will protest. How many will don ARREST?

Do we have any room in our jails, detention centers, concentration camps? June 30 there will be MASSIVE marches protesting don juan. Carrying signs, chanting slogans, showing the world the contempt/disdain we the people have for don juan. He will have fled D.C. to one of his luxurious hideouts. He will ignore it completely or spend hours tweeting vitriolic vicious vile comments. He is a COWARD! Long live him? Or short live him? Why?


Posted - June 30, 2018


  • 14795
    There comes a point where you can't arrest no more Rosie.....That point is when they realize they have shot themselves in the foot....Carry on for to long and that person has to become a despot to hold onto power....
    I think in America there are to many armed people to risk doing that though...
      June 30, 2018 5:46 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I have no doubt that it will come to that D. The wackadoodles among the gun people are just waiting for a sign from their lord and master don juan to do just that. He will. When he gets desperate enough to change the subject to something really dire. He is a coldhearted bast**rd with no low too low to go.  Will it happen sooner rather than later? Maybe. The wild beasts in the White House are getting frantic and restless and something is about to pop..explode. Meanwhile out there in don juan land are thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of his adoring worshippers waiting for a cue armed with loaded guns. I hope to he** I'm way off base. I do. Thank you for your reply D! :)
      June 30, 2018 5:53 AM MDT