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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Upon further thought could Justice Kennedy rescind his "resignation" and stay a Supreme for years to come? Would the don refuse to let him?

Upon further thought could Justice Kennedy rescind his "resignation" and stay a Supreme for years to come? Would the don refuse to let him?

Posted - June 30, 2018


  • He could if he wanted. Of course at 81, it would only call into question the possibility of any mental or physical instability that would make him unsure of what he wanted to do. The loss of credibility as a trade off to remaining on the court, might be damaging. But when you think of it, Americans like to use the term retirement as loosely and superficially as the term apology. So it might make no difference.
      June 30, 2018 6:00 AM MDT

  • 11430
    I was wondering if that was a possibility - pretty sure Trump would appose it. Cheers!
      June 30, 2018 3:36 PM MDT

  • 113301
    King don is going to lard SCOTUS with extreme right-wing racist bigot justices to give red meat to his racist bigot base. He sweet-talked Kennedy to leave I betcha. He wants only racist bigots who will render all decisions in favor of  wealthy whites and against people of color or poor people. Period. He is a dog in clover now...King don is gonna get what he wants. Mini-hims.  Old fat white rich.. Oy vey! Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Sunday. Methinks our goose is to speak! :(
      July 1, 2018 2:32 AM MDT