Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» TODAY BE DA DAY! 600 cities pariticipating in marches. SLOGAN? "FAMILIES BELONG TOGETHER!" Got a problem with that? WHY?
I don't have a problem with it.. and I can understand the sheer frustration so many Americans feel right now.. sadly the jerk-in-charge won't listen and is so out of touch with reality he probably thinks they are celebrating him.. He's done that before hasn't he
King don lives in a bubble world made up of lies and delusions and illusion. His adoring worshippers freely and willingly entered that world and now they are caught in it forever...he being the spider and all of them being the flies he will eventually devour. He is a pathological LIAR. Whether he believes his lies or not he always sees himself as a SAVIOR who is being persecuted. He whines all the time about not being appreciated/worshipped enough. A bottomless pit of greed and need but his worshippers are always there wiling to show him lotsa love at his ego rallies. They are a unit entire of themselves needing nothing and no one else. And they lived happily ever after in that bubble. May they all RIP together forever somewhere in space and time eventually Adddb! Thank you for your reply! :)