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Would you find it retardedly disconcerting the words bipolar disorder never dawned on you til 6 months of someone going hot and cold on you?

Posted - July 5, 2018


  • 7939
    Haha. No. I dated someone like that. I'm no therapist. It didn't dawn on me that he might have other things going on until one day he asked, "Am I acting manic?" Oh. Oh, yes. That's what that is. Turns out, he probably didn't have bipolar disorder at all, but was "self-medicating" with an array of substances. Lesson learned. There's no point in trying to play therapist when you're not one. 
      July 5, 2018 7:53 PM MDT

  • 7280
    Good point with that last sentence.  Behavior is over-determined.  Diagnoses are best left up to the professionals.
      July 6, 2018 12:19 AM MDT

  • 6098
    I wouldn't know how or when to use such words. But I know we cannot expect to always be the center of attention because men need to have a life of their own which really is better for us as well if they do. 
      July 6, 2018 9:21 AM MDT