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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Phobias can be simple or complex. Their causes can be known or unknown. There is a certain commonality among them. Do you have a phobia?

Phobias can be simple or complex. Their causes can be known or unknown. There is a certain commonality among them. Do you have a phobia?

They are usually the result of a frightening or stressful event in early childhood, the teen years or early adulthood. Having a parent who is phobic about something can trigger it in the child. It can be due to genetics, life experiences or brain chemistry. Also evolutionary development may be involved. It's complicated. Do you have a phobia that has actually interfered with your life? Limited you in some way? Fear of heights, open spaces, small spaces, crowds, spiders, water. You name it someone could be phobic about it.

Posted - July 8, 2018


  • 13071
    Yes I do. My phobia is of people who obsess and hate over and over about the same person ad-nauseum. Mine, however, didnt start with an early childhood event. Mine started right here on AM.
      July 8, 2018 6:41 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Would guess I do but I refuse to think in terms of anything that would immobilize or discourage me or ruin my good time in life.  So I just live with them and pay them as little mind as possible. 
      July 8, 2018 6:52 AM MDT

  • 6988
    Plenty of phobias here.  Deep water--- At 10 years old, I was pushed off a wall and landed behind a dam in water that was at least 20 feet deep. Problem was that I couldn't swim, and the idiot that pushed me wouldn't even try to save me!  Somehow I made it back to shore.  Flying in airplanes------ two pilots that I flew with in local trips were both killed in plane crashes along with their passengers. 
      July 8, 2018 7:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    At the age of 3 my grandfather placed me on a tall post surrounded by water. He backed away and took a picture of me. I was terrified. Ever since then any bridge over water or photo looking down on water and my knees get weak. I also developed a fear of height from that experience for everything EXCEPT flying in a commercial jet. I like the window seat. Go figger! But I cannot be on a deck or veranda two stories high and look over and net have my knees buckles. I would never work in any building where the job was above the 3rd floor. I also have claustrophobia.. No cave adventures for me. Thank you for your reply bh and Happy Sunday! :) Also a touch of agoraphobia! Yikes I'm a mess!  :(
      July 8, 2018 7:33 AM MDT

  • 6988
    I also have a weird phobia that may not have a scientific name yet -------- fear of using a microphone!
      July 8, 2018 8:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Huh. Well way back in high school I did take a "Radio Arts" class until the teacher asked me to switch from that class to her drama class. I remember talking into a microphone in the Radio Arts class and it didn't bother me. Maybe Microphonaphobia? Or "the bh syndrome"? Thank you for your additional reply! :)
      July 8, 2018 9:47 AM MDT