Tuesday flies to Brussels for a meeting with 28 NATO "allies"
Heads for England Thursday to meet the Queen and tour estates
Then off to SCOTLAND for a weekend of golf at one of his golf resorts there
Arrives in Helsinki, Finland Sunday night and Monday begins meetings including the highpoint of which will be a a tete a tete with Vladdie in private. Prying eyes or ears will be forbidden. No witnesses. Ah the intrigue! Ah the possibilities!
Then he heads for home no doubt having tweeted constantly at every step.
Think of all the wreckage he can leave behind! It will be momentous and monumental or very bigly. He will excoriate/vilify all the NATO folks. You know the ones who came to the aid of the US after 9/11 and fought side by side and died? Yep. Those ungrateful wretches. He will certainly give them a piece of his mind they will not soon forget.
He is an unmannerly boor and how he will interact with the Queen is problematic. Of course his English is not the best Very limited voacabulary. Keeps repeating himself over and over and over and over and over. Better he stay quiet and only speak when spoken to lest he insult. Think he can stifle it?
How he will insult Finland I don't know but he will find a way. The whole point is the tryst with Vlad. Now of course he will be very romantic and effusively loving when it comes to Vlad. Compliments galore are in store .What is there to worry about? His concessions for one thing. His promises for another. But hey he knows what he is doing right? He wouldn't jeopardize the United States for anyone including someone he adoringly worships and emulates as much as he can get away with. The United States of Russia...its newest satellite? What do you have against Russia?
Aren't they all mostly all white?