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Death sentences? Nearly 200 inmates died in Harris County jail (Houston) over 10 years.

Remember Sandra Bland? She wasn't alone.

Posted - August 14, 2016


  • 46117

    Remember WHO?

      August 14, 2016 9:17 AM MDT

  • 35014
    Have a link? Were these deaths strange or medical reasons? Inmate caused?
      August 14, 2016 9:23 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello M:

    There was a time, long ago, when we actually PROTECTED those we held..  Now, it's open season on them.  Not only are our leaders NOT addressing it, one of the presidential candidates is the ARCHITECT of mass incarceration, and the other thinks TORTURE is wayy cool..  This country cannot sustain it..  In fact, it's unraveling before our very eyes..  I fear it's going to get worse before it gets better..


      August 14, 2016 9:34 AM MDT

  • 46117

    He's almost gone, ex.  He is not going to recover from this one.  Enjoy the death ride to hell with Trump as the only passenger and driver combined.

      August 14, 2016 9:38 AM MDT

  • 2515
    S., Sandra Bland is one of the people the "All Lives Matter" people are talking about. She is a national figure. This arrest was not the worse thing that happened to her. After this, they took her to jail, denied her of her medication for epilepsy. Then she died. They claimed she committed suicide.
      August 14, 2016 10:55 AM MDT

  • 17653

    That's  alarming on its face but without knowing how many prisoners are processed through there and how the deaths occurred, it doesn't really mean anything.

      August 14, 2016 2:05 PM MDT

  • 35014
    I was asking for more information as to the cause of the deaths.
      August 14, 2016 5:20 PM MDT

  • 35014
    From the Houston Press.Those who died were mostly in their 40s and 50s (100 of 199). And the majority died of natural causes or illnesses (123 of the 199). Twenty-six committed suicide (six were cases in which police were called to the scene), and 22 were killed by sheriff's deputies.

    (21 Shootings or incidents during an pursuit not in the jail only 1 was from an altercation with an officer)
      August 15, 2016 5:36 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello my:

    Only 22 were killed by the sheriff???  Wow..   Is that a GOOD number or a BAD number??  I KNOW my thinking is skewed, but I don't think ANY should have been killed by the sheriff.


      August 15, 2016 5:58 AM MDT

  • 35014
    They are counting shooting during pursuit as dying in custody of the jail.... personally I don't think that should be included. The 1 death as a result of an altercation with an officer is what would concern me.

    The wording is also poor. (Killed by sheriff)
      August 15, 2016 6:09 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello again, my:

    Yes, it's poor..  Is that because the sheriff doesn't understand ENGLISH, or wants to FOOL you...  I dunno WHO confuses those killed IN jail, with those who are NOT in jail.


      August 15, 2016 6:17 AM MDT

  • 35014
    The wording is from the journalist of the Houston Press. They are the ones spinning it. I looked at the database and the journalist combined in police deaths (which does say includes any death where police were there as a "in police custody" death) and jail deaths to come up with the 199 deaths. 150 in jail and 49 with police presence. Here is the link to the database if your interested.
      August 15, 2016 8:01 AM MDT