Every animal has a purpose, even if it's only to eat something that no other animal eats and to poop something that some plant needs. But I can think of anything I want.
Well, in the end it's all pointless so I'd say nothing really has a purpose. I still love critters though, my piggly-wigglies are so cute even if they nibble a little too hard sometimes..
The Lake flies that emerge from Lake Winnebago in the USA and also in Lake Victoria in Africa......There are countless trillions emerging from all lakes ,They appear from the to mate and then die.....their eggs get deposited back into the Lake and the whole process starts over again....They are born to die and to be eaten by many bigger predators..... The African people that live around the Lakes catch and eat them as an health sorce of protein :)
They only eat fly'ed food as they ain't got any ovens..... :( D