Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The nappie baby blimp said he told Theresa May what to do about Brexit but she didn't listen to him.Didja know he could solve any problem?

The nappie baby blimp said he told Theresa May what to do about Brexit but she didn't listen to him.Didja know he could solve any problem?

He is smarter than everyone and anyone and only he can fix it. He can't help it if folks refuse to listen to him can he? The world problem-solver in one tall fat old man. Why not use him? Why not cede the running of world to him? He can be president and king and despot and dictator and leader and judge and jury and military too. All problems should end up on his desk if people seriously want them solved. Look how swell he has done in America? I rest my case

Posted - July 14, 2018


  • 10799
    Wait, are you telling me that you didn't know that Trump can fix anything??  Why, just look at how he's fixing the US.  In less than 2 years he's taken it from being a small, insignificant, poor third-world country into a booming superpower loved and adored by all; whose lamp now lights the path for the rest of the world to follow.   With just a stroke of his mighty pen the mighty Trump has single handedly solved unemployment, lowered taxes, and made medical insurance available to every man, woman and child in the entire country.  He has solved the illegal immigration problem, saved the environment by ending global warming and ensured that all national parks and monuments will be around for centuries to come so that our children's children's grandchildren may enjoy their great beauty.  He has brought about world peace - even ending the fighting in the middle east.  The leaders of all the nations adore him and eagerly gather at his feet to listen to the wisdom that drips from his golden lips.   All hail lord Trump. 

      July 14, 2018 9:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Honestly I suspected he was full of sh** from his head to his toes. I sit corrected. The world is a safer place because of him. We can sleep at night knowing he is in charge, in control and watching our backs. Again I regret ever doubting him. How splendid a figure he is as he flies over London and Edinburgh and possibly Helsinki too? The most awesome nappie baby blimp that ever was, could be or will. He is it. SIGH. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak. We should pray each night to thank the powers the be (aka whatever God  is on duty) for his existence. What could it hurt ?
      July 14, 2018 9:49 AM MDT

  • 35077
    Her whole tone about Brexit changed. May sounded more determined and more inclinded to male a good deal on behalf of UK. She did not sound lime that last week.
      July 14, 2018 9:44 AM MDT