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The nappie baby blimp insists he is the most popular president ever. He is? Is he? Could that possibly be true? Can you show me the link?

Posted - July 14, 2018


  • 35077
    You are misquoting.. President Trump said there is a poll out saying he is the most popular REPUBLICAN President. 
    Gallup has him at 90% approval by Republicans.

      July 14, 2018 9:58 AM MDT

  • 6477
    From your own link it says that his approval rating is below that of most other presidents.. and at best on par with others... so that's not the most popular ever is it? 
    That he is popular with republicans, is surprising but really just like asking thieves whether they approve of get-out-of-jail-free cards.. 

    'Given that only about one in four U.S. adults identify as Republicans, he needs to broaden his support to earn high approval ratings'

    At any rate this hardly makes him either the most popular president ever, nor the most popular republican

      July 15, 2018 6:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
      July 15, 2018 6:24 AM MDT

  • 35077
    Most popular among Republicans....90%. That is what President Trump is quoting. Which is higher than most have ever gotten. 
      July 15, 2018 7:42 AM MDT

  • 6477
    But it's not THE highest and that's the point.. Trump is making false claims again, and well, basically, lying.. That's one of my problems with him.. he makes these huge egotistical claims about how great he is, deflecting the truth. SO he's presenting a false picture, misleading people, not giving factual information, giving incorrect information... A president who does that is a) wrong and b)not trustworthy, who knows what else he is lying about, what other truths are being hidden by bluster... etc.. Not to mention the insult this brings to those who glibly with gullibility believe every word he says ...
      July 15, 2018 7:50 AM MDT

  • 35077
    The only one who beat it was GW Bush just after was 99%.
      July 15, 2018 9:15 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Well, this from a man who thinks people in the UK like him!!! 110,000 people turned out in London to protest about him... and hundreds more elsewhere round the country... and this was even though these protesters KNEW Trump was going to be shielded from all the protests, so they knew he would never see.... but they protested anyway.. They knew that fortunately he isn't OUR leader, (thank goodness we are a long way from that ever happening here) and that his lunacy doesn't directly affect us.. but they protested anyway...  Doesn't that say a lot??? We despise him and everything he stands for.

    Interestingly Trump's son Eric was whining about how we disrespected his dad, another nation's leader.. Yea right and your big mouthed dad wasn't at all disrespectful shooting his big mouth off about our PM? Things he first tried to claim were fake news.. yea well we get all the news here, not just some of it and we SAW him saying these things..  Seems Eric is as stupid as his dad if he can't see respect works both ways. 
      July 15, 2018 6:08 AM MDT

  • 113301
    If the nappy baby blimp progeny is smarter than dear old dad they dare not show it. He would crush them in a moment if they did not show him the proper amount of groveling respect. We all know that. They are not THAT stupid. He detests all those who get more press coverage than he does. He is the ego that will not be denied or upstaged. A brooding wraith who is really not there at all.  A ghostly image of the man who was never there? Thank you for your reply Addb.
      July 15, 2018 6:47 AM MDT