Tweet one...Nappy baby blimp calling the investigation into Russian meddling a "RIGGED WITCH HUNT"
Tweet two...Nappy baby blimp tweet says "years of US foolishness and stupidity" are to blame for poor US/Russia relations.
See how easily the nappy baby blimp sells us out to Russia?
In response to both nappy baby blimp tweets the Russian Foreign Ministry says "WE AGREE".
So you see before the meeting even began they agreed that there was no Russian meddling. Aren't you relieved that the nappy baby blimp agrees with Putin about that? Now what happens to all the guilty pleas and criminal indictments already presented with MORE TO COME outing the American citizens who colluded/conspired/committed treason? It will go on to its conclusion. Mueller pays no attention to the two biggest bald-faced liars in the world. Why should he? He has work to do to protect our country. SIGH. What a world, right? Go figger! :(