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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Taking away the cell phone PERMANENTLY. NO TV FOR A YEAR. Complete ISOLATION for a year. Comrade trump's punishment. Ya like?

Taking away the cell phone PERMANENTLY. NO TV FOR A YEAR. Complete ISOLATION for a year. Comrade trump's punishment. Ya like?

He was a VERY BAD BOY. Now of course Putin gives him high fives and gold stars for his performance. But we the people see what a VERY BAD BOY he is and we the people get to punish him in accordance with the fact that HE IS OUR EMPLOYEE. Nothing more though he thinks he is king. He is an addlebrained pimply overweight adolescent and we need to smack the whippersnapper down a peg or two. Ground him. Ignore him. Make him exercise and lose weight. Make him read and take tests he must pass. He is much too lazy as is and like a sloth and so he has to start EARNING HIS KEEP and stop sloughing off. Ya think he will survive it?

Posted - July 17, 2018


  • 10799
    What no cell phone?  How will we know what to do?  His tweets are our only life-line to him. 
    No TV???  How will he know what's going on?  Without Fox News he'd be totally uninformed of what's happening here and around the world.

    Ground him???  As ... as in not letting him leave the country?  But that's our only reprieve of him.  Maybe he'll get lost and not come back here.

    Make him exercise?  But that fat, pudgy blimp is what we use to calibrate our seismometers.  Every step he takes is precisely a 2.0 on the richter scale.

    Make him read and pass tests?  There isn't a teacher alive who'd take that job... not for all the money in the world.  Talk about cruel and unusual punishment (for the teacher).

    Ignore him?  We tried that, but he always manages to worm his way back into the spotlight

    Can't we just fire him?  After all, no one wants an employee working for them who's constantly promoting the competitor.
      July 17, 2018 2:21 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Your case as presented is very sound Shuhak. I cannot take any exception to it whatever. I agree with thee. I sure as he** wish we the people could fire his a**. I don't know if this is apocryphal but I read long ago that in some countries in the middle east divorce is easy peasy. Of course it is always and only the man who does it. Gets the divorce. All he has to say is "I divorce thee" three times and it's done. Now whether that is true or not I don't know but I like the concept. Simple. Nothing complicated to strain a brain. We the people in concert in every city in front of cameras and microphones could say in Unison "we fire thee we fire the we fire thee" and IT'S DONE! What could be simpler? If we wait for Congress to impeach him it will take longer. First we have to vote out the defective pols (Republican) and vote in the ones whose first act will be to work on ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT(Dems of course!). That will drag it out. I'm impatient. I want to boot his corpulent a** OUT NOW! After the massive treasonous traitorous public betrayal in Helsinki time is of the essence. Thank you for your thoughtful reply  Shuhak. We the people(the sane among us) are in the same and it's sinking. The Comrade Bonespur worshippers are in his boat so when where it sinks I don't care. They don't care about us and we sure he** don't care about them. May they all sink and tread water unto the end of time! A watery grave where no one dies. Just treads water. I like that. I'm gonna ask! :)
      July 18, 2018 3:38 AM MDT

  • 6477

    Personally I think he should be imprisoned.. it is treason to side with Russians AGAINST  American intelligence.. To ignore AMerican intelligence is bad enough but to favour a VERY dangerous rival such as the Russians is inexcusable.. There can be NO condoning that..  

    And as to the Russians.. they ALWAYS lie.. and WE know that.. e.g. the poisoning of a Russian spy and his daughter in the UK and all the interference that OUR intelligence services have uncovered.. the Russians deny that too but they are lying.. 

    SO a nation and leader who lie as a matter of course can be trusted??? 
    A leader and nation who have invaded and bullied other countries can be trusted? 
    A leader and nation who are KNOWN to meddle and seek to interfere and hack can be trusted? 

    Sorry but this makes me disrespect Trump even more, if that's possible.. he is not only an idiot he is THE most stupid idiot ever.. 

      July 17, 2018 2:39 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtfully comprehensive reply Addb. Comrade Bonespur deserves no respect. I personally would like to exile him to Russia. Kick him out of the country. He thinks he is King and Kings are exiled. He will forever be Persona Non Grata and forbidden from ever coming back to the United States of America. The country he has worked so hard to destroy and hand over to the enemy. Any treasonous traitor should either be executed/imprisoned for life in solitary confinement or exiled and banished.
      July 18, 2018 3:49 AM MDT