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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The vetting of a prez candidate is non-existent. What kind of vetting was Comrade Bonespur subjected to? Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. WHY?

The vetting of a prez candidate is non-existent. What kind of vetting was Comrade Bonespur subjected to? Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. WHY?

You interview prospective employees. You check out their references. Some companies even TEST prospective employees and there are often training/waiting/trial periods to see if the employee has the right stuff and can do the job. None of that happened with Comrade Bonespur. He showed up. He elbowed everyone out of the way. He broke all the rules and was rude and dishonest and insulting. The "NEVER TRUMP" Republicans who spoke so eloquently about all his defects caved, rolled over, gave in.  None of them had the courage of their convictions. All of them wimped out. So whom do we blame for getting such defective goods? If "the people" never had Comrade Bonespur to vote for the Comrade would not be our Albatross today. Hey hey hey. :(

Posted - July 18, 2018


  • 35077
    Vetting is the media's job. And We the people's job.
      July 18, 2018 5:42 PM MDT