Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Thin-skinned weak always submits/surrenders to tough-skinned strong. Is strong always wrong or only sometimes?

Thin-skinned weak always submits/surrenders to tough-skinned strong. Is strong always wrong or only sometimes?

The thin-skinned weak will never challenge the strong because they know they cannot withstand it or compete with it . So it submits. It is docile. It never disagrees. It always wants to please. That is why the strong will always dominate the weak and have their way with them. SIGH.  A thin-skinned weak prez is undesirable. Have any of them ever prevailed?

Posted - July 18, 2018


  • Politics is war. In war, anything goes. There is much bloodletting in a figurative sense. It's not an arena for the thin skinned or the faint of heart. In some areas of life, right may make might, not in politics.
      July 18, 2018 8:24 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I am weak :P But I stand up to strong when strong are wrong, I stand up to bullies and those who try to intimidate .. I know this because I have just successfully completed my latest endeavour.. The strong don't like being challenged for sure, they turn nasty and they try every trick in the book to get the weak to back down.. but sometimes even us jellyfish have a spine :)

    The Prez however is different.. he isn't strong, he only thinks he is - he's spineless, a coward and a liar.. he NEEDS standing up to
      July 18, 2018 9:16 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Comrade Bonespur is a senile insane old man. No matter how many times his sycophantic toadies try to prop him up he lets them down. He is a clown and so are all of them. Played out on the worl stage we are looked at as dam* fools! Thank you for your reply Addb.
      July 18, 2018 12:54 PM MDT