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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Trying to save your child's life is wrong and you get punished in the US. The PUNISHERS are the good guys. How cool is that?

Trying to save your child's life is wrong and you get punished in the US. The PUNISHERS are the good guys. How cool is that?

Posted - July 20, 2018


  • 14795
    What do you mean Rosie ? 
      July 20, 2018 4:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The asylum seekers flee certain death in their own countries bringing their children to what they hope will be a safe life for them. The girls are often raped or made to be prostitutes. As a reward for trying to protect their children they have their children kidnapped/stolen from them and are then branded as criminals. These are LEGAL asylum seekers. So they are criminals and wrong for simply being parents who love their children and want to preserve their lives. Did I answer your question D? Some of the stolen kidnapped children are lost to their parents forever. They will never be reunited. They will be put in Foster Care or orphanages somewhere and that will be that. A greater evil than that is hard to imagine. Criminalizing people for loving their kids. What kind of monster does that?  :( This post was edited by RosieG at July 21, 2018 4:02 AM MDT
      July 20, 2018 4:59 AM MDT

  • 35077
    If they enter through a proper port of entry rather than crossing illegally, they would not be arrested and would be allowed to file for assylum.
      July 20, 2018 5:08 AM MDT

  • 14795
    England took children away from their parents in the Fifties Rosie.....They were sent to Australia alone and never to see their parents again ...the Boys from very young ages were sent to outback farms where they were raped  and forced to worn....
    Other boy were placed in religious orders and monks subjected them to all sorts of sexual abuse......
    Many girls were raped on the boat trip to Australia ...when they got there ,they were in for far far worse and were in workhouses So many were continuously raped and abused and both the British and Austrailan governments knew what was going on yet no one helped the girls or the boys.....

    Although it was proved that the Monks rapped and abused the boys ,no of the religous freaks were ever prosecuted......

    There is an Austrailan R/C Cardinal at the moment accused of raping and abuseing boys going back decades.....The pope and the Roman Catholic Church  it trying to get all the charges dropped .....
    Such wonder caring people u think.......

    The R/C Nuns of Southern Ireland that ran workhouses for unmarried mothers ....They took thier new born babies and threw them in to a Cesspit to murder  them......they disposed of 850 babies this way and not one Nun faced any criminal charges......
    They have cash assessets of more than one and half billion pounds plus now ,yet still pleade poverty.....

    Can you tell me  why they can get away with it.....?

    God help them if they ever get a parking ticket.....they will be hounded to the day they die  This post was edited by Nice Jugs at July 21, 2018 4:02 AM MDT
      July 20, 2018 12:56 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh my God D! I had no idea. So I KNOW  humans are monstrous and devious and deceitful and mean and cruel and evil and despicable and disgusting.  I just did not know that there were so very many of them covering so many decades in so many places. I'm glad I'm sitting down. I cannot begin to take that all in. It feels like I just got hit in the gut. I ache for all of them. Yes. All of what  you write is far worse than what the guy in the White House has caused. So far. I do not put anything past him and I believe things will get much worse here. Tragedy comes in many sizes doesn't it? So sad that so many of the victims of tragedy are children not that the Holocaust was a good thing because it was mainly adults who were tortured and gassed and murdered. Children are helpless and they depend on the grownups to keep them safe. I can't stand it. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday. I mourn for all of them retroactively all those years ago and also for all those who currently are being tortured raped abused murdered. It is endless it seems. SIGH. This post was edited by RosieG at July 21, 2018 7:48 AM MDT
      July 21, 2018 4:08 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Did you know that just after ww11 the American government use normal American Citizens for biological  experiments ...Your government uncovered Hitlers doctors experiments on it prisons population and found they were working on spreading the plague with animal tick.....
    They exposed a whole town to the infected tick on the east coast near an inland island close to were they have a biological weapons development.........
    To this day,the people that live there are still effected to being exposed to it.....
    I only watched a tv program two days ago about it......America was desperate to get their hands on Doctors that did the medical experiments on humans and well as the scientist devoloping rockets...

    Russia seized more than half and forced them to work for them or be shot.....
    America gave them American citizenship and well paid government jobs....
    They were also exempted from all war crimes prosecutions.... 

      July 21, 2018 8:09 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I had heard about that D. Also experiments on African Americans and other people of color.  Most of the time I have tried to push it out of my mind thinking "that was long ago. They wouldn't do anything like that now". However I know now that evil cruel exists during all times in all places and there is no time or place exempt from it. Whether these times are worse than before I can't know yet. I do know that the bad times you experience mean more than those you read about. Being there  is essential to understanding. Thank you for your reply. I don't know if there is a bottom to being  depressed. I guess I'll find out. This post was edited by RosieG at July 21, 2018 8:43 AM MDT
      July 21, 2018 8:23 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Horror things just move on and develop just as all things do Rosie...
    They have mind altering drugs and single weapons that kill millions....
    They have hand held tiny nuclear weapons that fire one mile away designed to kill just much would they contaminate the countryside if fired off. . .? 

    There is no powerful government in the world that doesn't use totrture in one form or another....England is no different to any other......none like getting exposed though.....

    I suppose in a way you can respect the ones that do for being  honest....

    I believe America sends the people it want toutured to  Egypt by Lear goes there via England and there are people over here watching out for the planes markings at certain internationail airports where they land to refuel....

    It will never ever stop Rosie......
    Big brother spies upon us all through our TVs and mobile phones ,every day and every where you go and even who you talk to.......what you type on a computer can also never be erased unless you destroy the hard drive....even then ,it's somewhere on a data base ....:( 
      July 21, 2018 9:00 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Maybe that is precisely why we are here on this internet social site engaging with one another. Maybe that is precisely why we show up each day and want to make a connection with another human being who sees things as we do and  is just as appalled as we are. I mean we are all complete strangers. Yet we gravitate, sometimes immediately, to certain ones and also are repelled by other certain ones. Maybe it is the only way we can maintain our sanity in a crazy puzzling dangerous treacherous world. Maybe. Thank you for your thoughtful though scary-as-he** reply. Thank you for showing up and reaching out and being there for me to reach out to too D! :) ((hugs))
      July 22, 2018 3:46 AM MDT

  • 14795
    We al like a good ole moan makes us feel better... I find it hard to belive so many of the thing we hear on the news or in our papers....

    Off the point here and not what we were talking about ,but still a shocking peice of news.....
    This afternoon I heard on the Radio that a 39 year old guy walking in a shopping mail  threw acid over a three year old boy out with his was somewhere close to Cambridege ....I was just so lost for words......
    thankfully they caught guy and it's a shame we don't have eye for and eye laws for certain cases of crimes...

    Acid attacks in London is a huge thing and the preferred way of mugging people for their cars or belongings....
    At the moment ,there are no laws about carrying it ,unlike knives and guns ...

      July 22, 2018 2:06 PM MDT

  • 113301
     Oh D that is beyond tragic and right on point to me. Why? Because whatever form/shape/MO anywhere in the world it highlights the cruelty, evil and rampant madness afflicting people. It seems to be growing. More folks are chipping in and doing their part to show complete disregard, hate, brutlity toward their fellow man, woman, child. Or complete indifference. It is as if they are slowly all becoming robotic Zombies whose goal is to damage harm hurt kill. I wonder. Are we next? If we could  nail the reason maybe we could do something about it. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Monday. Today is gonna be  107. Tuesday 108. Wednesday 109! How is  your weather? Much better I hope. :)
      July 23, 2018 1:26 AM MDT