I am not Roger Over. I don't know how you got me confused with him. Lol:)
I'm playing. Sorry you missed it. No, this is not a serious conversation, to me at least.
I almost named my daughter Morgan, but couldn't get Morgan Freemans face out of my head, she's named something else.
I could never understand that one either, or Kim. Sorry to me those are girls names.
Men and women have both used the same names a lot. I believe girls do it more as they take names like Billy Joe, or Sam, etc. I don't see what is wrong with it.
That reminds me. How did "Billy" (or more usually spelled "Billie") become a girl's name? What conventional girl's name is it short for? I asked that question on another site once and the answers I received didn't appear to fit logically.
Why does this question have 56 replies? See, this is what I don't like about AnswerMug.
Because it includes the various comments and people keep arguing. Besides, 56 is not that many. I've seen other questions with over 100 replies, and one recently had about 380 replies. Why don't you like that about Answermug?
I agree, jeep. Don't the parents think first about the adverse effect it might have on a child?
Well I don't want to tell you because you asked the question. I don't want to hurt your feelings. :/
I don't see how it would hurt my feelings if you told me why you don't like that about Answermug. How many replies do you expect one question to get? I remember on another site the question "Why is the sky blue?" had something like 574 replies, and that wasn't including the comment threads on each individual answer. Including those (as this site does) it would have had something like 3000 replies, maybe more.
because some names are gender-neutral, which I've never understood!!
the one that gets me is "Madison",,,,,,the mermaid? now to me that's a MOST masculine-sounding name......
but who knows why people choose the names they do for their poor kids!!!!!!
imaging being saddled with a name like "Madison" and being a little girl.........!!! '
Because parents can name their kids whatever they like. Individuality isn't in one's name .. but in his or her personality IMO.
Maybe so, but doesn't it grind your gears to see a name being given to someone of a specific gender when the name was originally invented for the other? Worse still, what about all the mockery the child would have to face in school? Don't you think the whole thing is an exercise in cruelty?
Haven't they even commented on the apparent masculinity of the "son" part of the name? Madison sounds more like a surname than a first name to me anyway.
So what standard do you use by which to judge whether a name should or should not belong to a girl or a boy, Rpf? As far as I can see, we can only go by convention.
I think you're making this more of a problem than it is. I don't remember anyone being made fun of because their name was originally used for the opposite gender. And .. don't you agree that once you get to know someone, their name usually fits them? I never think about anyone's name when I know them as a person. :)
Sometimes when I get to know someone I find their name fits them, but not always, and certainly not if it's a woman with a name like Morgan. I've often heard people being made fun of because they have a name belonging to the opposite gender, which I agree is cruel and unnecessary. That's my whole point. It's cruel and unnecessary for parents to do this to their kids. How am I making this more of a problem than it is?
I admit, at first I thought it was a little unusual, and I've mostly seen it as a surname. But now I just think it's her name. That's what happens when you actually get to know people and not try to fit everything into neat little boxes.
No, they never said anything to me about her name. They were quite little when they met, so they didn't have any preconceived notions about what name should belong to what person. And I tried to instill a sense of respect for others, as best I could, so I would hope they would not make fun of any person's name, even if it sounded strange.
exactly :-)