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Was this a racially-motivated murder? I very much suspect it was (see link below).

Posted - August 15, 2016


  • I don't know the answer Andy, but I've encountered enough coppers to know that nothing would surprise me.  I've never liked the use of tasers and the numbers being harmed by them is increasing.  Clearly, either they're too powerful for all situations they are authorised for use in or they're being used more than is warranted.

      August 15, 2016 8:35 AM MDT

  • 5835

    That reporter sure was hung up on lead balloons. The expression appears FIVE TIMES!

    Luke 4:5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

    Did you get that? "That is delivered unto me." Satan is the god of earthly authority. That's why cops and governments all over the world are going bonkers.

      August 15, 2016 5:36 PM MDT
  • Bez


    Thank you, MrWitch. If we had an "Asker's Pick" feature here like we did on Answerbag, I would definitely give you the honour for this answer.

      August 15, 2016 7:16 PM MDT
  • Bez


    I'm not being funny, Jewels, but could you possibly answer this question without bringing religion into it? That particular event had nothing to do with religion.

      August 15, 2016 7:18 PM MDT

  • Thank you Andy.  :)  I read something recently about there being a roll out of tasers in the police, increasing numbers hugely.  I suspect if this goes through, similar sad stories will become all too common.

    Except in certain situations police in the UK do not need tasers.  Instead, they need more police.  Tasers have been a sop to 'police safety' due to their numbers being cut or personnel being moved away from the front line.

    So people die to make some police officers feel more 'protected'.  I wonder when the job of most police will fail to carry enough risk to warrant the very early full pension provision.  Personally, I think that time is already here for many.

      August 17, 2016 5:10 AM MDT