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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are you a fan of euphemisms? D'ya use 'em? Because they sound more gently GENTEEL?

Are you a fan of euphemisms? D'ya use 'em? Because they sound more gently GENTEEL?

Does "beast of burden" sound better than "jacka**"?

Posted - July 23, 2018


  • 46117
    The art of the CON.

    That is the only thing words are used for in the United States these days.

    There are black people who want to be white that voted for and support Trump. This is what they got for their support.  This is the choice for White House Aids.  (and I don't mean the HIV kind).

    Look how many blacks are included in the mix.

    One token. 

    How appropriate.

      July 23, 2018 10:01 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Dr. Ben has made the most of his tokenism. He, like all the other thugs, are getting rich off us with the support and thumbs-up approval of TGITWH. TGITWH had Omarosa for the token black dame but that didn't work out so well. Wonder when/if she will write a book or did Michael Cohen already use hush money to pay her off? One wonders. This is the world of high finance with the movers and shakers and all their money and all their deals and all their accomplishments in full view. And how they are screwing us so wondrously well with the support of TGITWH. He is doing his share of screwing us too. Didja know we the people paid $50,000 for TGITWHY to stay at his own resort in Scotland? Turnberry. Very impressive. These are the "best" people we were promised. If this is the best then I'd like to see what the worst would do. Wouldn't you? Thank you for your reply and mugshot. SIGH. And the music goes round and round oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!  :(
      July 23, 2018 10:26 AM MDT

  • 555
    My favourite one is "Revenue Protection Officer". It sure sounds a lot more genteel than "Ticket Inspector".
      July 23, 2018 12:12 PM MDT