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Does "TRADE WAR" change if you call it "TRADE REFORM" or "TRADE GOAL". If you call a duck snake it's still a duck. Isn't it?

Posted - July 23, 2018


  • 46117
    Does SPACE FORCE sound less retarded if it is not said by someone who is not retarded?

      July 23, 2018 9:51 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I dunno Sharon. Beats the he** outta me! In the olden days words meant what they meant. There was no "ALTERNATIVE FACTS" promulgated as being a great substitute. There was no attacking one's country or its citizens at any time ESPECIALLY ON FOREIGN SOIL. However that was then this is now. TGITWH changed everything. Ya know why? Because he just couldn't cut it otherwise and so he had to dumb down everything in order to get a foot in the door and to do that he had to get an entire country to do his dirty work. In return for which he sold his soul. The joke is on the doofus country. TGITWH never had soul so he had nothing to lose.. He had to betray his country. He is so emboldened he commits TREASON in front of everyone. He is a TRAITOR and guess what? His supporters adore him and support him  and have become VERY PRO RUSSIAN because he is. Is't that sweet? Isn't that speshul? Now if any of their folks were immigrants and became American citizens to give their kids a better life I"m kinda thinking they are all ashamed and embarrassed and are turning over in their graves. Such is life. You sacrifice everything to give your kids a better life and they punch you in the stomach and hook up with the same people you fled from. Go figger! Thank you for your reply and the graphic. I don't know about you but it's getting real boring. TGITWH needs too ramp it up. Drop a nuclear bomb on someone maybe? Take a mistress and give her a top job in the White House? Something different. Predictable is very tiresome and pedestrian and sophomoric and so averagely mundane.
      July 23, 2018 11:00 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Rosie, this is why we are living in Hell on Earth. There is so much of this sludge to wade through that we cannot breathe the free air of reality any longer.

    I'm wondering if we DIED already and do not realize we have died and are condemned to live through this over and over until we get it right.   All of us on this planet.  We just cannot last unless we pull it together and no one can even understand each other any longer.

    It is like the end of days in the Bible when the Tower of Babel caused everyone to speak a different tongue so no one could understand a word of what was being said.

    That is where we are at present.

    I didn't like the picture I used.  I'll find a better one....

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at July 23, 2018 12:55 PM MDT
      July 23, 2018 11:03 AM MDT

  • 113301
    That is precisely what a TV panel was talking about the other day. The lies come so fast and furiously that no one can possibly keep up with them and that's the point. A Tsunami of lies and denials and more lies and outrageous accusations and fake assertions and false statements has everyone running in different directions constantly trying to not get ahead or even keep up but just not get further behind than they already are. It is purposeful and determined and corrosive and demented and exhausting. It is what he does. Accuse Obama of spying on him. Accuse Obama of not being an American citizen. Accuse Hillary of criminal activiites. Accuse accuse accuse accuse accuse just as  a ruse to keep folks running after every track all the time. When one is shot down 25 rise up. When 25 are shot down 1000 take their place. He is a black hole reservoir of lies and never runs out because his mind is fertile.. Fertilized with the usual you-know-what to be sure but hey things grow in it anyway. SIGH. If he became mute and could not tweet I wonder how his base would carry on? They depend on his guidance and "truthtelling" for everything and they would be floundering in a sea of ignorance sinking sinking sinking sinking. That's what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket and the basket floats away out of reach. Thank you for your reply Sharon. This post was edited by RosieG at July 24, 2018 2:38 AM MDT
      July 23, 2018 1:04 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I'm wondering if he is challenging Iran now in hopes that he starts a war.

    If we are worried whether or not we will survive, NO ALLIES to the rescue, maybe then we will keep our noses out of his CRIMES against EVERYONE.
      July 23, 2018 1:09 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I KNOW John Bolton is hot to trot vis a vis a war with Iran. Always has been. Even John McCain did a little Beachboys-style chant years ago. "Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran". Remember that? Not his finest hour. TGITWH is itching to change the subject from his crimes and probably figgers getting into a war will be the only thing that can do it. He is irate about Kim not honoring his "handshake". Maybe he'll bomb North Korea. We know for sure he will never ever speak ill of Putin. That's one thing about him we can count on. He has flipped so many times about  not believing/believing Russia meddled.  A day ago he flipped back again and called it a "HOAX". If he admits the meddling he admits his presidency is suspect and that he cannot do . So the ruse goes on. The lies continue. The flipflop will never end. The fact that anyone gives a dam* or pays any attention to that very mentally ill man is  astonishing to me. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      July 24, 2018 2:34 AM MDT