Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Eventually you find your voice. Strength in numbers isn't as true as belief in you. Do you need others to validate you?
It depends. What is it that I am trying to accomplish?
Validate my worth? Well, I do respect the opinions of those who have proven they know a thing or two about maybe things I don't know as much about.
Do I need someone to LIKE me or I am scared to act? NO. NEVER. Uh Uh.
If I am subservient to someone who holds sway over me, I may put on the act of behaving against my inner thoughts, but it is because the person holds my paycheck or my lease or something and I need to survive and make future plans. I won't stay in a situation that holds me hostage, but I am not going to put myself out for someone who's opinion I have zero respect for anyway.
I am also very good with compromise as long as it is an exchange of helpful action and not an exchange of surrender and feelings of guilt and hard feelings.
It matters if people have power over you like a boss or teacher. It isn't smart to go out of your way to alienate them or challenge them. You don't have to kiss their butts either. Of course it depends a lot on the circumstances. I think today especially there are many people who are afraid to stand alone. They need to belong and be accepted so they go long to get along and mouth ridiculous gibberish because that's what they have to do. I don't believe for a minute that all the folks who "support" TGITWH really do. I think they're just terrified to do otherwise. It is amazing to me how differently brains can be wired. You'd think all hearts work alike and all eyes and ears and all minds. But they don't. Go figger! I disagree with some folks but understand where they are coming. Others, on the other hand, are totally a mystery and seem to be an entirely different species to me. Can't figure out what makes them tick or why they think what they think or how they are so easily able dismiss ignore proof positive of something they aren't supposed to believe and stick to the scrip that all members of their clique must memorize. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
I don’t need approval from others without some exceptions. My supervisors at work and a few close friends. Other than that I sont care what others think of me.
This post was edited by Rizz at July 25, 2018 2:56 AM MDT
I think when others have power over you depending upon the circumstance of course it is self-defeating to challenge them unnecessarily. If they don't have power or control of some kind then there's no problem being totally honest. I think these days especially lots of folks go along to get along and think otherwise but say nothing because they have a very great need to be accepted by others. That doesn't work so well for me but I'm retired so I don't have a boss I have to please. Thank you for your reply Rizz and Happy Wednesday to you! :)
Hahahahahahahahahahaha! OM gosh tom. I am visualizing you face-palming a lot. I'm with you pal. Not only my face and palm but my brain and eyes and ears. Gadzooks and yikes. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday. Any ideas about what track a new crisis or conspiracy or attack could take? And the beat goes on! :( :) Couldn't decide between happy face and un so I give you both free of charge!
You know tom I may have told you this before so apologies if I did. You do know that I think teaching is the most noble profession. My son is one. All the teachers I ever had were very nifty...some more than others...except ONE. My sixth grade teacher Miss Nyburg. She is long-since dead so I don't think I'll get sued by naming her. I had skipped a few grades and for some reason she took an instant dislike to me. Now mind you I was still that painfully shy little girl. She'd call on me in class and preface it with "since you are so smart why don't YOU answer the question Miss Ohanesian. It was properly pronounced as O HAH NESS YAN and she always mispronounced it. She called me Miss O HEE NAS YAN. No big deal I guess but I hated it. I honestly didn't want to go to school. When you are painfully shy what you want most is to be invisible. I thought she was the ugliest woman I'd ever seen. Bleached blond. Wrinkled face caked with makeup. Wore her clothes kinda tight for my taste but I was only 10. My fashion sense wasn't formed. I was too shy to confront her and I never said a word to my folks. I always loved school but her class was torture. Why am I telling you this? I don't know. I guess I will never understand the why of it and all these decades later it is still a nightmare that I think of now and then. One lemon out of many dozens is not a bad record. Apologies and thank you for your reply! :)
Yes. I agree with thee. As a retired Internal Auditor I loved numbers. They told such interesting stories. There was always only ONE correct way. Not multiple choice. Not suit yourself. ONE CORRECT RESULT. My job was to find it.That's how I earned my living. But honestly I love fuzzy, muddled, multiple choice. It is frustrating and challenging and one is rarely ever satisfied but it does stretch the mind and poke at creativity, imagination and inventiveness. Could I have made my living at it? I dunno. My favorite class in junior college was the Philosophy class where there were NEVER any correct/right/irrefutable answers. You presented your opinion and others either shared it or didn't. Then you engaged in conversation and that's where logic was very important. Oh Logic was a class I took later on in Night School. Logic and Economics. Weird combination but it worked for me. I like not knowing exactly because that opens up so many possibilities. Of course folks were different then or I was. I don't remember nasty or cruel or insulting when folks diasgreed. I remember cordial friendly civil disagreements. No one's feelings were hurt and we looked forward to the next time we could meet so we could continue on talking. SIGH. Thank you for your reply tom and Happy Thursday. I ask a lot of WHAT IF questions. Some folks detest them. Different strokes! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at July 26, 2018 2:47 AM MDT