I've grown tomatoes since my dad taught me how. I used to have as many as 20 plants out in my garden (plus corn, peppers, cucumbers, beans and more. I installed box gardens a few years back to conserve water (stupid drought!) so I only have 11 plants this year. Right now I'm "sharing" my tomatoes with mice. (grr!!!)
Picking a good melon is a bit challenging. You have to read their thump. But even though those seedless ones thump "ripe", they still have no flavor.
It's 95 here heading for 100-102 today with a forecast of 102-105 tomorrow.
I've been keeping weather logs here for 40 years. Although there are fluctuations from year to year, the overall temperature has been steadily rising. I'm wondering how much of an effect all these erupting volcanoes will have on the weather. Perhaps they'll help cool things down.