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Texas reports record highs as they approach 120! Hope your A/C is working and your electricity holds! Howya doin'?

Posted - July 24, 2018


  • 113301
    Because I'm a FOODIE big time I'm starting with your last question! I wish I knew! If you get a good  melon it's cause for celebration! Remember what tomatoes tasted like? If you're lucky enough to grow your own or have a friend who does and shares them with you then you are one lucky dude! The ones in the market "on the vine" look so pretty. They do not taste like the tomatoes did when I was a kid.  We've been pretty lucky with watermelons so far this year. Grapes have a lotta natural sugar in them. I'm pr-ediabetic so I have to be really careful how much sweet stuff I eat. I mean even fruit with natural sugars can be problematic.  Right now at 10:18 am it is 97! It is supposed to get up to 111 and I think it will exceed that! My sis and brother-in-law live in Carson City, Nevada and have since 2008. The weather is getting hotter and hotter and hotter each year. Everywhere. How much heat can human beings take before it kills them? Thank you for your informative reply Shuhak. 
      July 25, 2018 11:27 AM MDT

  • 10799

    I've grown tomatoes since my dad taught me how.   I used to have as many as 20 plants out in my garden (plus corn, peppers, cucumbers, beans and more.  I installed box gardens a few years back to conserve water (stupid drought!) so I only have 11 plants this year.  Right now I'm "sharing" my tomatoes with mice.  (grr!!!)  

    Picking a good melon is a bit challenging.  You have to read their thump.   But even though those seedless ones thump "ripe", they still have no flavor.

    It's 95 here heading for 100-102 today with a forecast of 102-105 tomorrow.

    I've been keeping weather logs here for 40 years.  Although there are fluctuations from year to year, the overall temperature has been steadily rising.  I'm wondering how much of an effect all these erupting volcanoes will have on the weather.  Perhaps they'll help cool things down.

      July 25, 2018 1:03 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Right now at 12:04 in Hemet it is 106 . Heading for north of 111 I expect. So you're good at growing tomatoes? So is my sister. I don't have the talent for it. Why I don't know. I wonder how much of lost flavor is due to the food we eat and how much is due to our taste buds becoming less acute as we grow older? I'm gonna ask Shuak. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply. Your own garden? Whoa! Lucky guy! :) I had a sort of vegetable garden years ago and I grew cucumbers, onions, carrots, strawberries and ZUCCINI. If you've ever grown it you know how hugely big they can get. Also not purposely we planted some bamboo because we thought it was pretty. It takes over EVERYTHING. We didn't know. I tried to grow winter veggies and bombed out bigtime. Broccoli Cauliflower Celery. But I did build a hill and grow potatoes. Not my finest achievement but they were certainly edible. The broccoli cauliflower celery I had to throw away. They were AWFUL! :)
      July 25, 2018 1:09 PM MDT

  • 10799
    Too hot for me.

    Much of the produce in stores is picked when its under ripe so it can be shipped.  Many times this inhibits flavor.  Sun ripening gives flavor, not box ripening. 

    Ah, monster zucchini i know them well.  Forget to pick one little zucchine and the next day it can house a family of raccoons.  Banana squash also get huge.

    Did they bomb due to the climate?  Winter veggies need to chill a bit as constant warmth will make them bolt.

    Yes, I'm a gardener with a very green thumb.  I have 22 avocado trees (4 to 16 feet in height) on my patio (in pots) - all of which were grown from seed (pits).  I have to haul them all into the garage each winter to keep them from freezing (awful lot of work).  One year I cut the top of of a store pineapple and planted it in a pot.  It's now nearly 6 feet tall and has, over the years, produced 2 pineapples. The top of its last baby (which matured this last april) is happily growing in a pot on my patio.  Now I have 3 pineapple plants to lug back into the house come fall.
      July 25, 2018 2:43 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh geez  Shuhak you ARE a gardener! 22 avocado trees? Oh my gosh. We LOVE avocados. I have 3 ripe avocados I'm gonna use today to make guacamole. There is another one that will be ripe in a couple of days so we will probably use that one to put chicken/turkey/tuna salad in one-half OR make bacon lettuce tomato avocado sandwiches. Pineapple plants? Oh gosh we LOVE fresh pineapple. You are very resourceful m'dear. Any efforts put into shopping for food, growing food, preparing food to cook and cooking is my cuppa tea. Lucky thee! About the weather having an effect on the winter veggies. Maybe it was as simple as that. We lived in Northridge at the time. Southern California is pretty warm most of the time compared to other areas so maybe that's what did it. It's funny about tastebuds. I tasted avocado as a kid and I thought it tasted like paste.  Flavorless. Not tasty. Then I tried it again years later and lo and behold I LOVED it! Thanks for sharing that information. So you're kept pretty busy with your unusual garden. See what the human mind can do if it wants to? :)
      July 26, 2018 3:17 AM MDT

  • 7280
    I live in North Texas. 

    Oncor electric is our provider.  We have had 10 days with 100+ temps and we set records for electricity consumption on a few of those days and then broke the record later that same day.

    They say they expect to be able to meet demand throughout the remainder of the summer.

    (I have the outage reporting number on my cell phone.  I've used it about 3 times this year, but we're talking a max of 30 minutes per outage since January---sometimes end state distribution problems occur, but nothing major this year.)
      July 24, 2018 6:39 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Is that usual for you tom? I mean I never thought of Texas as being a  particularly oppressively hot state. Is it getting a lot hotter? I mentioned this to another respondent. I saw something on the internet that I'm going to research. There seems to be a link between climate change and suicides. I'm guessing the hotter it gets the worse the suicide rate is but I don't know. I'm gonna find out. I suppose any long-term excessive heat or cold is gonna get to you. SIGH. We don't have enough on our plates to worry about killing us so why not add in the weather? What could it hurt? Yesterday was 110 here and the next few are  projected to be the same. Last week it got up to 115.  Usually August and September are the hottest months and we're still in July! Yikes! Thank you for your reply!  KEEP COOL! :) Oh FYI Jim was born in Sherman, Texas! This post was edited by RosieG at July 25, 2018 3:46 AM MDT
      July 25, 2018 3:44 AM MDT

  • 7280
    This is just one of the hotter summers we've had---and I've been here since 1960 as a teenager.

    Probably looks like this will be in the top 5 or 10% when it's all over.
      July 25, 2018 6:43 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Every morning I Google "Hemet weather" and I get an 8-day report. This morning today and the next 7 will be 100 or over! Yesterday it got up to 115. This may be the hottest ever summer in our experience. As long as the air conditioner keeps working and we can pay the bills I guess we're lucky. We do all our errands as early as the stores open. One grocery store, WINCO, is open 24 hours day and we have gone out at 5am to do that shopping. Our local Walmart opens at 6am. Things like banks of course don't open till 9am and by then it's already in the 90's lately. That is always our last stop. I have an 8-1/2x11 notepad that I use to list errands and marketing. We end up at the bank or our local "Mail Depot" where I pay the electric and gas bills in person and also mail whatever other bills we have. We try to be home by 9:30am and just hunker down. Well Jim will go out and do guy stuff like Harbor Freight or Lowe's but he goes from an air conditioned car to an air conditioned store.  He is a golfer and he will often go to the golf course (9 hole) in our retirement community at the break of dawn to practice. You adjust. I remember as a kid no air conditioning in cars or homes. We survived. I'm pretty sure it wasn't as hot then.  Thank you for your reply tom! :)
      July 26, 2018 3:01 AM MDT

  • 35077
    I would rather be hot than cold. 

    That I would rather freeze to death than burn to death by fire. Less pain I imagine.
      July 25, 2018 9:42 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I guess the best way to die is to have a nuclear bomb blow you up. I mean how much pain could that be? You'd be dead before it registered. Thank you for your reply m2c and Happy Thursday to thee! :)
      July 26, 2018 3:02 AM MDT