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Are emotions irrational?

Or do emotions have a type of rationality which has nothing to do with logic?

What are the reasons for emotions?

Posted - August 15, 2016


  • :)

      September 23, 2016 12:28 PM MDT

  • No, never been a teacher. My father is a retired professor of English.

      September 24, 2016 9:15 AM MDT

  • How I would love to meet and chat with your father! :)

    Lucky you to grow up with that influence!

    Do love reading and literature?

      September 26, 2016 1:20 AM MDT

  • 3191

    Emotions speak to our humanity.  Are they logical?  Sometimes, though rarely.  Do they need to be?  No.  We are complex beings, we are fully capable of rational thought, but we are also endowed with that good, bad, or ugly?  Tbh, all three.  We will all display all those aspects at some point in our lifetime.   When, why and how will define us.  

      September 26, 2016 1:42 AM MDT

  • I think there are two meanings for rational. In reason, rational it refers to sound logic. In psychology, it refers to emotions that are typical of someone who is sane; the responses to life's experiences are within the range of what is "normal" and natural for the circumstances. Nature and evolution have programmed us to feel fear in response to threats, and attraction to things that can supply our needs - all other emotions are elaborations of those.

    In reason, if something is rational it means the logic is sound.

    In psychology, it refers to someone who is sane; whose perceptions and thoughts accurately reflect the outer reality of the world, and whose emotional responses to life's experiences are within the range of what is "normal" and natural for the circumstances. Nature and evolution have programmed us to feel fear in response to threats, and attraction to things that can supply our needs - all other emotions are variations or elaborations of those.

      September 26, 2016 2:14 AM MDT

  • 3191

    Nope, just one.  :)

    When it comes to the psyche...who defines what is "normal"?  And if the powers that be redefine that, what then?  Do you, like a good little nonetity conform, or do you rally against that which you do not believe?

    And what if they do not ask you?  What if they pass a bill late at night, or just before a holiday, or some other time that the majority of Congress might be otherwise distracted or even absent?  Do you embrace what is written just because it is now law?  

    And is that what you do every time a study is "peer reviewed"?  People do not police themselves.  Think about that.  Really.

    As far as the psychobabble goes...we are all different.  Though you may chose to try and define and label people, people will continue to prove you wrong.  We still defy labels by our very existence.    

      September 26, 2016 4:19 AM MDT