He admitted all his lies and apologized to those he had maligned and to the country? Then
what would his supporters/adorers/worshippers do? Abandon him because they would not accept such a reversal? Or would they also have a crisis of conscience and apologize for their moral laxity blind support and lies they supported that they knew were lies? It would be quite a mess I guess.
No more rallies. No more tweets attacking insulting prevaricating. No more supporting the enemy and attacking/alienating allies. No bragging about how great he is. No more taking credit for things he didn't deserve. No more promises to placate folks that he had no intention of keeping. No more adlib hipshot policies. No more secret meetings with the enemy. No more banishing reporters. No more calling the media the enemy of the people. No more throwing red meat at his base to keep them happy. No more attacks on Hillary or Barack or Elizabeth Warren or the Dems or immigrants or or or or or.
TGITWH would be a real regular typical standard ordinary off-the-shelf Patriotic American president! I don't know about you but that's the way I'd like it. Uh-huh. Uh-huh! You too?